Page 8 of Bragg's Match

“I will be if you get off of me.”

“Where’s your towel? Don’t you have a towel? What sane person jumps out of the shower and doesn’t grab a towel before racing into the hallway?”

He grins. “Ah, you think I’m sane. You’re sweet on me.”

“Don’t you dare!”

“Dare what?”

“Start with your flirting.”

He bats his eyelashes. “Are you saying I’m a good flirt?”

“I’m saying I’m going to knee you in the groin if you don’t shut up.”

“I hate to point this out. Seriously, I do. But if you knee me in the groin, there’s a chance you lose control over the towel straining to stay wrapped around you.”

He draws a finger along the edge of the towel and I tremble. No, not tremble. Brody’s touch on my body does not make me tremble. I’m shivering is all. I’m wet and it’s freezing in the hallway.

I fist my hands before I do something incredibly stupid such as open my towel and see what happens. I have no idea where those thoughts came from. Soleil Hawk does not have sex with men she’s not in a committed relationship with.

I blame Brody. Whenever he’s around, I suffer from a personality change. Maybe I need to visit a therapist. Or an exorcist.

“Any suggestions on how to get out of this situation without one or both of us exposing ourselves to the other?”

Brody contemplates his answer. “If I promise to keep my eyes closed while you stand up, will you believe me?”

I bark out a laugh. “No.”

He smirks. The little shit. “Yeah, I wouldn’t believe me either.”

I glance toward the open bathroom door. Maybe we can crawl over there together and grab a towel for Brody? But I can’t see Brody’s towel. I lean forward to get a better look and Brody squeals.


He rubs his eyes. “I got your shampoo in my eyes.”

“Don’t rub your eyes. You need to rinse them.”

“Because I have water available to me right now?” He winces. “Fuck. This shit stings. I think I’m going blind.”

“You’re not going blind. Don’t be such a baby.”

“Have you had shampoo in your eyes before? It hurts.”

I roll my eyes. “Everyone’s had shampoo in their eyes before.”

He scrunches his eyes closed as tears leak out of them. Shit. He’s really suffering. I have no choice.

“Keep your eyes closed.”

“I’m not opening my eyes!” he shrieks.

I push myself up and he grunts. I keep my eyes on the bathroom. I will not glance down and check where I accidentally kneed him.

“I’m going to be a blind eunuch before this day is done.”

Mystery solved on where I kneed him.