Page 2 of Bragg's Match

His nose wrinkles. “No, but where else am I supposed to live?”

I cross my arms over my chest. “You could stay at Harmony’s place. It’s empty now. And I know she offered.”

“I’m allergic to dogs.”

“You have three brothers. Why can’t you live with one of them?”

“Correction. I have four brothers and a half-brother. All of whom are avoiding me.”

All of whom are smarter than me. Note to self: Lock my doors from now on.

“How about this? You could – and I understand this is a novel concept for you – find a place of your own?”

His lip curls. “A place of my own?”

“It’s simple. You search for a rental house. You sign a lease. You pay your rent. You have a place to live.”

He does a mock shiver. “Sounds horrible.”

“This is why I don’t want you to live here. You’re immature and childish.”

He scowls. “I’m not a child. I’m thirty-years old.”

“And yet you’re couch surfing. Real mature.”

He smirks. “But I’m done couch surfing now. Rumor has it you have a spare bedroom.”

“And you thought putting googly eyes on everything in my refrigerator would be the best way to appeal to me?”

He chuckles. “Got you.”

Got me? Is he out of his mind?

“Do you think I want to live with someone who scares the crap out of me on a regular basis?”

He rolls his eyes. “You can’t still be mad about the ghost.”

“I can’t still be mad about the ghost?” I lean forward and hiss at him. “I can be mad about whatever I want to be mad about.”

“But I saved you.”

“After you scared me half to death dressing up as a ghost and prancing around in front of my living room window.”

“Admit it. You thought my ghost was sexy.”

“Are you crazy?” He opens his mouth to answer but I throw up a hand to stop him. “No. Don’t answer. I don’t want to hear it.” I blow out a breath. “It’s been a long ass day. I don’t have the energy to deal with whatever this is right now.”

He frowns. “Sit down. Put your feet up. I’ll get you something to drink and you can relax.”

“I was trying to get something to drink when I opened the fridge to discover it was full of creatures.”

He sighs. “I guess you won’t be thanking me for my ‘thank you for letting me live here’ present.”

“If this is how you thank people, I want nothing to do with it.”

“Understood. No googly eyes on items in the fridge for as long as I’m living here.”

I narrow my eyes on him. “I never said you could live here.”