Page 106 of Bragg's Match

I glance behind me and notice everyone followed me into the bathroom. I should have run for the half bath in the hallway. All of my friends couldn’t fit in there.

“Nope. They’re actually really good,” Ashlyn says around a mouthful of food.

I glare at her. “What? They are. I can’t help it you’re preggers.”

Preggers? Joy overcomes me at the idea. A child of my own. My dream come true. Reality knocks on the door to remind me I can’t be pregnant.

“I’m not pregnant. I can’t be.”

“Can’t be?” Eden raises her eyebrows. “I thought you and Brody have been having sex.”

Ashlyn rocks her hips. “Knocking boots. Baking the potato. Buttering the biscuit. Getting your kettle mended.”

Moon places a hand over Ashlyn’s mouth. “Now is not the time to impress us with how many euphemisms for having sex you know.”

Ashlyn pushes Moon’s hand away. “But you were impressed. My work here is done.” She bows.

“We have been having sex, but we use protection.”

“Protection isn’t fool proof. Ask my sister, Ellery. She was on the pillandthey used a condom but she still got pregnant. Fine by me. Willow is absolutely adorable.”

Condom? Shit. Brody forgot a condom the first time we had sex.


“Uh oh. Mama’s using the f bomb,” Moon mutters.

Eden kneels in front of me and places a cold washcloth on my forehead. “What is it? What are you thinking?”

“I’m thinking Brody’s an irresponsible man-child who forgot to use a condom the first time we had sex.”

Harmony claps. “Yeah! Robin will have a cousin to play with.”

Ashlyn scowls. “Robin already has a cousin to play with. My daughter Patience.”

“A Bragg cousin I mean.”

Ashlyn narrows her eyes on Harmony. “Are you prejudiced against my family?”

Eden sighs. “How do you do it? Keep all of us in line all the time?” she asks me.

I shrug. It comes naturally to me since taking care of people is what I do.

Moon clears her throat. “I hate to be the voice of reason here, but maybe we should find out if Soleil is pregnant for sure before we begin plotting ways to make Brody’s life hell.”

“I wasn’t plotting ways to make Brody’s life hell.” I wasn’t. But now I am.

Eden stands. “I got this. I’ll buy a pregnancy test and be right back.”

I clutch her hand before she can leave. “You can’t buy a pregnancy test in Winter Falls. Everyone will know.”

“It’s okay. Everyone knows Miller and I are trying.”

She’s not getting what I’m saying. “But everyone will think you’re pregnant.”

She flinches. “Don’t worry. Miller knows I’m not pregnant.”

I squeeze her hand. “I’m sorry. Do you want to leave? Is this bringing up too much shit for you?”