Page 24 of Perfect Bragg

“What are you doing here?” I ask Elder when I open the door.

He smirks. “Good morning, Harmony.”

He kisses my cheek and I lean into him. When I realize what I’m doing, I scowl and step back.

“What are you doing here?”

“I agree. It’s a lovely day.”

I roll my eyes. Elder the goofball has arrived at the party.

“Are you going to tell me why you’re here or am I going to sic Black Ops on you?”

He kneels to pet the dog. My black lab rolls onto his back for some tummy rubs. Such a traitor.

“Did you hear about what happened to the guy who accidentally made his morning coffee with Red Bull instead of water?” Elder asks as he stands. “He got halfway to work before he realized he forgot his car.”

I cough to hide my laugh.

“You smiled. I saw it. I win.”

“What do you win?”

“The opportunity to be the babysitter for the day.”

I don’t bother hiding my laughter this time. “You think being a babysitter for the day means you’re a winner?” A day dealing with dirty diapers will change his tune.

“Yes.” He bows. “Elder Bragg. Reporting for duty. I am available for any and all services you need.”

I have a few ideas of what he can service,Rebel Harmony says. Shush you. He’s here for the baby not to satisfy my sexual desires.Look at him,she insists.I bet he’d satisfy your desires and then some.

I rake my gaze over Elder. He’s wearing a whiteNaked Falls Brewingt-shirt stretched taut over his lean, hard muscles. Does he have hair on his chest? Is he hiding a six-pack under his t-shirt?

I force those thoughts out of my mind. I’ve spent entirely too much time fantasizing over Elder. I need to stop. Elder and I will never be more than friends. He deserves better than the likes of me.

“What services do you need, Harmony?” Elder asks, and my eyes fly up from his chest to his face to discover his eyes are full of fire. Oh my. I want to help put that fire out. After I feed the flames until we both explode.

I fan my face. “It’s a warm day today.”

Elder chuckles. “It’s raining.”

Drat. Itisraining. “Um. I…”

He winks as he pushes past me. “Why don’t you tell me where everything is?”

I scamper after him. “Where everything is? You’re serious about babysitting?”

He opens his arms. “I don’t see anyone else here reporting for babysitting duty.”

Which is weird unless… I glare at him. “You called everyone and told them to say they’re busy.”

“Not exactly.”

“You realize the gossip gals will use this as proof we should be matched.”

He stalks toward me until he’s nearly touching me. I can feel his heat surround me and smell his musky scent. I should retreat, but Harmony Kingsley does not retreat. She stands her ground no matter how painful or tempting such ground is.

“I don’t give a crap about the gossip gals.”