Page 65 of Perfect Bragg

“You what? And you didn’t consult me?”

He snorts. “Of course, I didn’t consult you. Do I look stupid to you? You would have said no and then ran away before I had a chance to come up with another plan.”

“Plan?” What is he up to?

“It’s time for us to talk.”

“Time for us to talk? Who decided this? Because I sure as hell didn’t agree to a talk.”

“And you wouldn’t, my stubborn girl.”

“I am not stubborn, and I’m not your girl.”

He rubs his hands together. “Excellent. We’re on topic already. Why aren’t you my girl?”

Son of a bitch. I should have stuck with fighting about my not being stubborn. I can fight about that all day long.

I straighten my back and meet Elder’s gaze. “Because we agreed this marriage is a sham.”

“Our marriage being arranged and you being my girl aren’t mutually exclusive.”

“What is your obsession with mutually exclusive?”

“What is your obsession with refusing to consider the possibilities?”

I roll my eyes. “What possibilities? We fall in love and live happily ever after?” I snort. “Not likely.”

Elder frowns. “Why not?”

“I’m not discussing this with you.” I start to walk away but he captures my wrist.

“I’m the best person in the world to discuss this with.”

“You think awful highly of yourself.”

He smirks. “I do. But I’m also your husband, which means whatever you tell me stays between us. No running to the gossip gals to spill your juicy secrets.”

“I don’t have any juicy secrets.”

He rubs his thumb along my inner wrist and heat spreads through my body as I remember how his hands feel touching other parts of my body. The good parts.

Let’s seduce him,Rebel Harmony suggests.

I glance up at him from beneath my eyebrows. I haven’t discovered how skillful his mouth and lips are yet. He smiles and his dimple makes an appearance. I’m with Rebel on this one. Seduction it is.


I bat my eyelashes. “No, what?”

“No, you won’t seduce me to get out of this conversation.” I scowl. “But you can seduce me once we’re finished.”

I yank my hand from his grip. “We’re finished now.”

He plants his feet and crosses his arms over his chest. My gaze dips to his hips. Those hips can perform magic. I bite my lip as I imagine him above me—

He wags a finger at me. “Nuh-uh. No sending secret sex thoughts at me to force me to do your bidding.”

“Secret sex thoughts?”