I pull away from Elder. “She sounds really close.”
Sage peeks her head in the closet. “I found them. They were getting it on in the closet.”
“The closet?” Feather asks as she joins Sage.
“But they’re married,” Petal says as she opens the door to reveal the rest of the gossip gals standing in our bedroom.
“They don’t need to hide in the closet,” Cayenne says.
“I don’t know. A closet sounds fun,” Clove says.
“When you have a baby, you’ll find any quiet spot for a bit of nooky,” Ashlyn says as she marches into the bedroom with her daughter Patience on her hip. “Anyone want to babysit Patience?”
I wag my finger at her. “No, they can’t! Because you’ll sneak off to make out with Rowan somewhere in the house. If I catch you again, I’m taking pictures and uploading them on social media.”
She frowns. “One time. We did that one time.”
“Correction. You got caught one time.”
“You’re mean since you fell in love with Elder.” She huffs before whirling around and flouncing away.
Petal sighs. “Project Baby is my favorite.”
Clove rolls her eyes. “You say that with each new project.”
Petal shrugs. “It’s true.”
Elder squeezes my hand. “Ladies, it’s lovely to see you, but I need to go check on the food.”
“Check on the food?” Sage asks.
Clove huffs. “As if anyone other than us needs to check on the food.” She leads the gossip gals out of the bedroom.
“You’re welcome,” Elder says once we’re alone again.
“Welcome for what?”
“Did you not observe how I got rid of the gossip gals?”
“I observed how you didn’t lock the front door allowing them to invade our house and bedroom.”
He smiles. “You said our house.”
I ignore him. “I need to check on Robin. Her nap is nearly over.” I walk toward the nursery with him trailing behind me.
“It’s okay. I understand it’s difficult to be in the presence of a master.”
“A master pain in my ass,” I mutter.
“Still a master,” he sings.
We enter the nursery and Robin immediately gurgles her excitement to see us.
“Are you ready for the party, baby girl?” I ask as I pick her up. She burps and spit-up dribbles down her chin to her dress. “I guess not.”
I lay Robin down on the changing table and begin to undress her.
“You’re a bit of a diva. Having to wear a new outfit for every occasion,” I say as I tickle her. She smiles up at me and my heart clenches. I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy.