Page 53 of Where We Belong

Cory: How’s Bernie?

Ben: Excited since today we created our countdown. Ten days before she sees Cory. :wink: emoji

Cory: Are you sure we’re ready?

Ben: I want to think that I am.

Cory: I’m excited and afraid and… I mean, I don’t want to impose, but I really love her.

Ben: And she loves you just as much. Sorry for being so selfish.

Cory: You had a tough childhood. I can see why you would want to protect her—and yourself.

Ben: That doesn’t excuse me hurting you, but I appreciate that you’re forgiving me.

Cory: That’s what love is about, isn’t it? Communication, forgiving, and loving each other—not in that order.

Cory: It’s time to say good night, but I’ll talk to you tomorrow.

* * *

Cory: We’re at the airport, finally heading home.

Ben: Finally!

Cory: You sound a bit frustrated.

Ben: I miss you.

Cory: Miss you as well. I’ll see you later, okay?

* * *

Cory: Honey, I’m home.

Ben: When you say you’re home, does that mean San Francisco or Paradise Bay?

Cory: If you open the door, you might know exactly where I am.

Ben: Fuck, why didn’t I fix the hallway’s night light.

Cory: Not sure, but don’t kill yourself trying to come to the door.

Ben: I’m doing my best with the phone’s light.

Cory: Just be quiet. You’re going to wake up Bernie.

Chapter Thirty


Standing before me is the epitome of beauty—Cory. Her piercing gray eyes meet mine, radiating warmth and affection. Her dark hair tumbles over her sun-kissed shoulders, which are exposed by her sundress.

With an excited squeal, Cory leaps into my arms, wrapping herself around me. I breathe in her sweet, familiar vanilla scent with a mix of coconut as she nuzzles into my neck.

“You’re here,” I whisper, squeezing her tight.

“There’s no other place I’d rather be,” she murmurs into my skin.