Page 46 of Where We Belong

“That’s probably it. Finn’s sister owns a concierge company who put this together. I bet they cooked everything there?” I shrug because, honestly, after I called them last night, they just told me they’d take care of everything.

Cory nods as I show her the wine bottle. “Rosé?”

She makes a face. “That’s not from the Paradise Bay winery. I’m a Spearman. I can’t just drink anything.” She burst into a sarcastic laugh.

“Well, this is all I have. Bliss Winery is owned by one of Finn’s older brothers. He also owns a vineyard, and I think will be working on Finn’s land,” I explain with a wink. “You can drink other brands tonight. I won’t tell your brothers.”

She bursts into laughter. “Fine, I’ll cheat just this once. Unless it’s really good, then I’m drinking this rosé until my brothers make something better.”

I chuckle and shake my head, knowing she’ll lord it over them for months or maybe years to come.

“Where’s Bernie?” she asks.

“At home with Kenzie. Probably getting ready for a bedtime story.” I glance at my watch.

Cory smiles wistfully. “It’s weird to think my first niece will be leaving for college soon. What will the Spearmans do without her?”

“She’ll be back to visit a lot,” I assure her, brushing my knuckles gently across her cheek.

“Yeah, she will. Eventually, everyone returns home. Caspian will retire in a year or two, and then he’ll be back here full-time. Lysander never left. Hux travels, but this is his home base…” She trails her gaze and smiles at me. “Even you came back.”

“Thank you for welcoming me, even after I almost messed this up for good,” I say sincerely, removing the coverings from our dinner plates. “Ready to eat?”

Cory reaches across the table, giving my hand a gentle squeeze. “The past is the past. All that matters now is the future—hopefully, our future.”

We’re in the middle of dinner when the soft strains of a string quartet startup. I glance around in surprise as they play from a darkened corner of the rooftop—I have no idea when they arrived, but the music makes this moment even more perfect.

Once our entrées are cleared, a waiter presents a dessert of pears and cranberries poached in wine. I stare at him for a moment, surprised because I had no idea we had someone waiting on us.

Cory sighs blissfully. “This is… I’m speechless.”

Me too. When I reached out to the concierge company requesting a romantic dinner worthy of the world’s best restaurant, I wasn’t sure what to expect. But so far, I’m impressed by their services. More so because Cory is enjoying every second of this.

“I’m glad you liked it,” I say, raising my glass. “Hopefully, the first of many dates together.”

Cory lifts her glass to clink mine, eyes glinting mischievously. “You’re far swoonier than I expected, Farrow. To many more dates and whatever the future holds.” She smirks. “But don’t forget, you’re still on probation.”

I chuckle. “Trust me, I know I have years to make up for.” I drain the last of my wine. “We should check out the inn tomorrow and start making plans,” I suggest eagerly.

Cory shakes her head, her smile softening. “Let’s not discuss business now. Today is just for us.”

She’s right. But I’m so terrified this will end up being just another dream where we’re free to love each other openly, then morning will come, and I’ll wake up hollow and Cory-less again, that I want to accelerate everything.

I reach across the table and twine my fingers with hers. “You’re absolutely right. Today is about me proving how much you mean to me. The future can wait.”

Cory squeezes my hand gently. “One day at a time, Benedict.”

One day at a time, indeed.

Chapter Twenty-Five

Ben: Good night, beautiful.

Cory: You could’ve stayed a few more minutes.

Ben: We’re doing this slow, remember.

Cory: What if we skip to the good part?