“Were they bad?” she screeches.
I give her the short version of our relationship. When I finish, she says, “You have a type.”
I stare at her, unamused. “A type of what?”
“Men,” she answers.
I scoff, rolling my eyes. “Oh please, I can’t wait to hear this. What is my supposed type?” I give her a skeptical look. “Just in case things don’t work out with Bodhi, I have to add it to my dating profile.”
“Emotionally unavailable.”
I let out a sarcastic laugh.
“Laugh all you want, but you chose him because he’s harmless to your heart.”
I glare at her, irritation simmering. “So, you don’t think this is going anywhere?”
“Who knows? At least he’s being honest with you. He seems to care…” She trails off, pondering. “Give him time, but don’t give him your heart yet.”
That’s simple. I don’t have a heart to give, but I do want to share my life with someone. Maybe what I need to do is to decide how I want my future to look and make it happen with Bodhi.
Ben who?
Chapter Ten
Ben: Hey, are you available?
Cory: Nope. As I said the last time, I can’t babysit Bernie anymore. The hotel can wait, and if you need someone to entertain you, text Heath.
Ben: I wasn’t going to ask for that, but if you ever have time to drop by and visit Bernie, she’ll appreciate it. She misses you.
Cory: I’m sure she’ll forget me soon, give it time.
Ben: Doubtful.
Cory: You’re a doctor. You should know that childhood memories disappear, and you only have a few flashbacks by the time you’re an adult.
Ben: Where did you read this? Was it click-bait?
Cory: Does it matter?
Ben: See, you say that, but crap that happens during your early years scars you.
Cory: Is that something you read online or from some early-childhood class you took during college?
Ben: I studied chemistry and then medicine. Why would you think it’s an early-childhood class?
Cory: Just guessing since you seem to know all about childhood memories and scarring.
Ben: According to my therapist, I have Childhood PTSD.
Cory: What could’ve possibly happened to you? Did they give you regular spoons instead of silver spoons? The horror!
Ben: My parents’ separation and the way they treated each other and us left me and my siblings scarred—we just don’t recognize it.
Cory: Didn’t they divorce when you were older?
Ben: Define older. Also, you need to add that they were fighting all the time. I don’t recall a day in my life when they weren’t being assholes to one another. I was born when they were already in trouble.