I lean into him contentedly. “It’s worth the wait. Neither one of us was ready for this.”
He nods, and I sigh with relief because just like it’s going to take us time to build a new hotel, it’s going to take us time to create a family with Bernie, and maybe a few more kids, but it’ll be beautiful and perfect.
* * *
Bernie clings to my leg, her little arms wrapped tightly around me as I arrive at the vineyard.
Lysander’s eyes drift down to Bernie, and he cocks an eyebrow. “Seems you have a little barnacle attached to your leg there.”
Bernie peers up at him briefly before nuzzling into me again. My heart melts. After being apart for so long, she just wants to be near me. Ben and I discussed the alternatives. Obviously, she wants to be with me because she misses me. It’d be cruel to send her to school when I just got back. So, we plan to ease her slowly into her old routine. Maybe since I’m home, I can take her early with me so she can eat lunch and nap at home.
“We’ll transition back to her routine slowly,” I say, hoping he doesn’t start asking questions.
Lysander nods, sympathy flashing across his face. “Of course. Bernie should be your priority right now. Take all the time you need.” He tilts his head toward the winery, his voice softening. “Really, take the day off. That girl has been through enough separations.”
My chest tightens, thinking of all the lost time with her. I stroke her back, a silent promise I’ll never leave her again.
“I thought we—”
“Bernie comes first,” he says. “You guys were apart for a long time because her father had his head shoved up his—”
“Lysander, language,” I cut him off.
“I was going to say bottom.”
“Still, watch your language,” I warn him.
He smirks. “I’m glad you’re happy. Seems like I can finally take a breath.”
Surprised, I ask, “Were you worried about me?”
He scoffs lightheartedly. “You were dating some fudged-up douche who couldn’t cut the umbilical cord between him and his ex.”
I frown. “How do you know?”
He chuckles. “Did you really think we wouldn’t run a background check on him?”
“You three are—” I close my mouth and smile. “The best brothers in the world.”
“I wouldn’t put it that way.”
I open my mouth to respond but stop as I hear footsteps approaching. Bernie’s head pops up, her eyes lighting up.
“Daddy!” she squeals, wriggling free of me and dashing toward Ben.
He sweeps her up into his arms, spinning her in a circle as she giggles. When he stops, he winks at me.
“Hey,” I greet him and then walk over, rising on my toes to give him a quick peck. “I thought you had back-to-back patients today.”
“Heath’s covering so I could spend time with my best girls.” His eyes shine as he looks between Bernie and me, crinkling at the corners with affection.
“I love you,” I mumble, warmth blooming in my chest.
“Love you more,” he says, smiling broadly.
Bernie wraps her little arms around us in a hug. “Mama and Daddy,” she says, snuggling into us.
Happiness washes over me as I soak in this perfect moment. Ben pulls Bernie and me close and plants a kiss on each of our heads. I meet his gaze, seeing my own joy reflected back in his green eyes. In this perfect moment, with Bernie’s arms encircling us, I know we’re exactly who we belong to and where we belong.