Page 55 of Where We Belong

“It’s time to let all those fears go, Ben,” she says.

“Letting go of those fears is easier said than done.”

I nod before dipping my head and pressing my lips to her neck. Nibbling her sensitive skin and breathing her soft scent, I take my time kissing my way down her neck. My mouth continues downward in a deliberate exploration. She trembles beneath my ministrations, a breathy moan escaping her parted lips and resonating within me.

Urgency simmers in my veins, but I hold it at bay. This time, I intend to savor every inch, rediscover her form with reverence. Kissing her sternum, I stop at her breasts. I take one nipple into my mouth, sucking it hard while I play with the other one. I pinch it and flick it, alternating sides. My head spins out of control as she pushes her hips against me and whimpers while I devour her tits.

“Please,” she begs with a throaty voice.

“What do you want?”

“Ease the ache,” she breathes, the words a whisper that ignites the fire inside me and makes me want to burn her—blaze each other with desire. “Eat me.”

A thrill courses through me. I love that she knows what she wants, and she tells me. “With pleasure.”

Running my tongue down her torso with slow precision, every swirl makes her tremble. I stroke her pussy over her panties, and her moans sound like music. My fingers slide inside the silky material that covers her pussy. Her exhale comes out in a shuddering moan, like a long-forgotten song. I continue lazily running my thumb through her slit and circling her clit.

Cory pushes her hips against my hand, and I halt, teasing her with a mischievous smile. “Patience.”

A whimper of both protest and anticipation escapes her lips as I gradually peel her panties down her thighs, past her feet, and onto the floor. I kiss the tips of her toes, take them in my hands, and spread her legs wide. I kiss the inside of her legs, inch by inch. Left, then right. I suck the sensitive skin of her inner thighs. My path winds upward, drawn to her intoxicating core.

My fingers glide over her soft folds, and I bend down, pressing my tongue against her clit. My hands go under her ass, raising her pussy and opening her wide. She’s perfect. I stroke her with my tongue all the way down to her back entrance.

“Oh,” she breathes, trying to close her legs, but I don’t let her.

Instead, I continue to pleasure her with my tongue. I nip through her folds and flick her clit. I move my hands from under her and replace them with a pillow. Carefully, I push a finger past her entrance and stop, watching her. Her eyes are glazed and hazy. Her hands twist in the sheets as sensations course through her, but our gazes remain locked, the connection between us unbroken.

“Should I continue?” I ask, my words a tender request.

“Please,” she begs.

I slide in a second finger, and my mouth doesn’t stop kissing her beautiful pussy. Then I move my tongue to her little hole, licking it, lubricating it. She wiggles and moans, and I take that as a sign to continue. Carefully, I press my middle finger inside her crooking and push it against her G-spot. Her tremors grow, my mouth continues teasing and coaxing, my fingers exploring with abandon.

“Ben,” she screams as if pleading for mercy or maybe for more.

Her climax crashes over her, and her walls spasm around my finger as I continue to draw out her orgasms, savoring the sweet taste of her pleasure. And when her breathing steadies, when the shivers subside, I move away to get ready for more.

“I need you,” Cory grunts, her eyes locking onto mine, and within their depths, I witness a universe of longing and desire. “More than I’ve ever needed anything in my entire life.”

Reaching for my nightstand, I pull out a condom and open the package. I kneel between her legs and roll the condom onto my shaft with practiced ease. I hold my erection, caressing her entrance with it.

I wait as I watch the most gorgeous woman spread in my bed, surrendering to me. Trusting me.

“Don’t make me beg,” she says. “Please, don’t make me wait.”

I stay right by her entrance, lowering my body. I lean down and croon in her ear, “I love you,” as I press myself inside her. Our gazes connect. I smile and whisper again, “I love you so much.”

Cory laces her hands around my neck. I drop my forehead to hers as I thrust in inch by inch. Her walls wrap around me. Our bond strengthens. Every muscle of my body tenses as I control the need to plunge into her. Instead, I enjoy the feeling of being inside the most beautiful woman in the world. I hope she’ll allow me to do this every night, claim her, become hers, and fuse with me.

With one last thrust, I’m all the way home. I stop, resting the weight on my elbows. “I love you so fucking much.”

“Thank you,” she says, running a hand through my hair and caressing my face. “For always knowing what I need.”

I press a gentle kiss to her forehead and move slowly, bringing our bodies closer together. I feel transported to another plane of being, our souls mingling on the deepest level.

Cory’s fingers interlace with mine, holding on tightly. Our gazes remain locked. Each motion brings us closer to the precipice, movements perfectly in sync. When release comes, it is a transcendence, a cosmic realignment. I bury my face in the crook of her neck, overcome with emotion.

“Cory,” I groan, collapsing on top of her, panting. “I promise to love you for a lifetime. Thank you for trusting me with your heart.”