Page 10 of Where We Belong

Cory: I’m not sure this is a good idea.

Ben: Give me all the pros and cons.

Cory: As I said before, I can’t make any decision or discuss this until I’m home.

Ben: You did, and then you texted me in the middle of the night to ask questions. I’m just trying to speed up the process.

Cory: Sorry, I forgot the time difference.

Ben: How long are you staying in Paris?

Cory: Not long. Bodhi has to be in San Francisco soon.

Ben: What kind of name is Bodhi anyway? Is that short for…

Ben: Sorry, I can’t come up with anything. I doubt it’s a name.

Cory: Don’t start with that shit.

Ben: I heard from Heath that you haven’t introduced him to the family yet.

Cory: So they can scare him? I don’t think so. Maybe when things are more serious between us.

Ben: You’re not serious about your relationship with him, and yet, you’re in another country with him. What if the asshole is some sort of criminal who’ll murder someone and blame you for their death?

Cory: You watch too many true crime stories. Bodhi is safe, and we’ve only been together for six months. That’s not enough time to throw him to my brothers. They’re very good at scaring my boyfriends.

Ben: When does a relationship become ‘serious’ enough to be introduced to your family?

Cory: I’m not sure. Usually, my brothers fucked it up before the three-month mark. I guess I should be thankful that Enid is around. Huxley is too busy to even bat an eyelash my way.

Ben: So this might be your longest relationship yet, huh?

Cory: He’s perfect, you know.

Ben: Nobody is perfect.

Cory: He’s thoughtful, a great father, and one of the few gentlemen left on this planet.

Ben: I had no idea gentlemen were an extinct species.

Cory: There aren’t many of them.

Ben: Wait, did you say father?

Cory: Huh?

Ben: You said he’s a great father. I’m assuming he’s a dad. Or are you referring to some daddy kink you haven’t told me about?

Cory: :unamused: emoji

Ben: It’s okay if you have it. I’m not judging.

Cory: He has two… maybe three children.

Ben: Is he divorced or a widower? You don’t know exactly how many? That’s weird.

Cory: Why are we talking about Bodhi?