There was no way.
I sat back against the seat and took out my phone looking at the all too familiar address. How was this even possible?
“Yes, sorry.” I gave him the address to the church and he pulled away as I once more became lost in the past.
Too many nights had been spent at that house. The house I had discovered myself in. The very same house I had lost myself in.
Who was this woman to Catarina, if anyone? It could just be a coincidence she lived in the same house, but this was a family house, and I knew how much it meant to them. I also didn’t believe in coincidences.
When we stopped in front of the church I thanked the driver and tipped him generously before I got out and headed in, already knowing before I went in, my night would be restless. Between the night I had, and the information I learned, I would be up with my mind spinning. I had a lot to learn and big decisions to make. And no clue what to do with any of it in the meantime.
Chapter Seven
“Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.” The moment I heard her voice, rage rolled through me. I knew she would be back. She was always back. I wasn’t sure what I was more mad about. The fact she was ashamed at what we had done, enough to come and pray for forgiveness, or her audacity at showing up here again. Did she think I was dumb enough that I wouldn't figure it out after all this time?
I had spent the past few days researching who she was and I had figured it out exactly. The internet was a plethora of information and there was no hiding those perfect blue eyes and the way that blonde hair waved perfectly over her shoulders. Even without her mask, I would recognize her anywhere. How I had missed that she was the sister of my old sub, still flabbergasted me, yet here we were. If it was some sick joke on their part, I didn’t know. But I was not going to be played again, that was for damned sure.
“It has been one week since I confessed my sins,” she continued and I fought the urge to roll my eyes.
I found myself not giving one little damn about her or her sins, and I bit my tongue so I didn’t say anything.
“Oh, I’m listening.”
“Are you okay? You sound agitated.”
“What would make you think that?” I snapped. Not able to hide my irritation.
I could see her brow shoot up through the mesh screening that separated us. It was dark, but still light enough I could see her.
“I know I keep going back, Father, but-”
“No, you don’t get to but, Father, me. You don’t get to toy with people the way you and your sister think is funny. She already ruined my life once, Crystal. You don’t get to help her do it a second time.” I growled. My voice was low enough to carry to her, but not loud enough so the whole church could hear. I wanted her to get the point, and get the fuck out of my life. She had done enough damage.
“How, how do you know who I am? I never-”
I had enough of her games. I pushed open my door and rounded the corner, opening hers and closing us in. She cowered against the booth, the room just large enough for the two of us. Her eyes widened as she looked up at me in shock. “It’s you.” Her words were barely a whisper. “How?”
“Why don’t you tell me, since you and your sister were the ones baiting me and playing games with me for months. She knew exactly what to do to pull me back into the game.”
Crystal shook her head, “I swear, my sister had nothing to do with it. She’s been dead for nearly six years.”
My brows shot up in surprise. “Dead?” My research certainly didn’t show that. But then again, I hadn’t been looking for that either.
“What do you care about my sister?”
“She was the last one I was a Dom for.” I shook my head in disbelief that I was even having this conversation. “The one that ruined me. She didn’t care about our dynamic at all. Whenever we were apart, she was flitting from one bed to another, not caring about who or what she was spreading her legs for. It ruined the lifestyle for me. I thought I was done, until you.”
“Why me?”
I shook my head. “I don’t know. At first it was hearing your confessions. You were so unsure but curious. It just made me reminisce. Then seeing you so pure but not taken care of, it stirred the Dom in me. I needed to take care of you. But then the other night. Crystal, you weremine. In every sense of the word. Something I don’t take lightly at all.”
“I felt the same way too. But how can you do that and this too?” She motioned around us to the church.
“I can’t.”