"Come here, our bright light," my father beckoned me. He was always my hero, both a dreamer and someone who could be trusted to bring those dreams to fruition. His darkly tanned face was etched with lines from years of politicking and war, but he didn't look a day older than a forty-year-old fragile. I knew that just like my mother, he was over two hundred years old, as being gifted or a Halfling provides a life expectancy that is only outdone by a vampire. His silver eyes sparkled with determination, reflecting the soul that had been forged in battle. The charcoal silk jacket embroidered with black crisscrossing diamonds enshrouded him, matching his closely cropped black hair which was streaked with gray and silver that matched his eyes.
My mother standing next to him glowed in the firelight's reflection. Her face appeared tranquil and at ease, but her eyes and crooked smile betrayed her anxiety as she scrutinized my every move. My father looked at me with his usual serious expression, though an intense love was apparent on his face. I could tell there was something he wanted to voice yet he hadn’t found the words for.
As I stopped in front of them, the fire roared in the grate before us and reflected off my mother's diamond-encrusted choker. Mom grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the full-length mirror in the room’s corner.
"Your father has something for you... Councilman, come on so that we can get our girl where she's meant to be."
My father pushed himself out of his seat, unfolding his six feet frame to its full height and walked over to stand behind me in the mirror. Both of my parents looked at me, their eyes so full of love that I had to stamp down the urge to let flow the tears that wanted to run free. Affectionately, mom pulled a flat black box from the fireplace mantel and opened it for my father.
I stared at myself in the full-length mirror as my father secured a sapphire choker around my neck, its multifaceted blue hues shimmering like forgotten memories of the sea. The matching bracelet on my wrist was a reminder of my eighteenth blood moon, when I received it from my father as an eternal token of his never-ending love for me.
My parents stood rooted to the spot, and watched me silently, although their eyes were wide with worry and hope alike. It was then that I realized how truly special this moment was, and how I could never forget it.
I turned around and my father stepped forward and took both of my hands in his, joining them together in front of me. His voice sounded thick with emotion as he said, "These are reminders of how precious you are to us, no matter what happens...remember that." He looked deep into my eyes with an intensity that made me feel invincible. It felt like he was speaking directly to my soul and assuring me that everything would be okay if I just kept trusting in myself and believing in what I could do.
My mother stepped up to stand beside him and smiled at us both through her tears, her chest rising and falling with each breath she took to gain control over her emotions. She placed her hands on top of mine now intertwined with my father’s before saying softly, "You will make us proud."
There were no words left for us to say after that promise had been made. Instead, we formed a tight hug, encasing solace within our embrace until the clock's ticking reverberated through the moment like a gentle warning calling out for me to go forth into the future bravely, boldly, and without fear.
Chapter 7
The limo pulled up to the palace, its front gates standing tall and ornate. The spires reached far into the sky, and banners in vivid reds and oranges flapped proudly from atop the walls. I peered out of the window, my heart beating faster with anticipation. The driver stepped out of the vehicle and opened the door for my parents before coming around to me. My nerves ran rampant as I stepped onto the cobblestones onto red carpet.
Though I admit, I did feel beautiful—like some sort of moonlight goddess in my gown of shimmering white and gold silk. My mother’s seamstress had outdone herself with the gown. It flattered me perfectly with its off-the-shoulder design, that revealed just a hint of cleavage.
My mother gave me an encouraging smile as we began walking toward the gate. “You’re going to be amazing, darling."
Encouraging though her words were—I wanted to do nothing more than to burn it all down and run away. But looking at how excited my parents were, I decided to just be positive.
Taking a deep breath, I walked up the carpeted walkway and into the palace. Entering, I scanned the ballroom, as sparkling crystal chandeliers cast a warm glow over the entire space.
The ballroom was much larger than it seemed from the outside, with deep crimson walls and polished mahogany floors. My parents left me to wander for a while as I waited for the evening's ceremony. I made my way around the room, greeting old academy classmates along the way.
Just as I was about to get myself some bloodwine, I heard someone call my name, “Tempest!” Turning around, I saw that it was Charlie Snowden, an old academy mate, accompanied by a man who seemed oddly familiar. He gave me a warm smile, and I returned it with one of my own. “Hi Charlie, how have you been?”
"I've been great." Charlie said as he pulled me into a quick hug. The excitement to see me was palpable in his brown eyes. They swirled with a blue wind inside as he pushed me back with his hands on my shoulders to look me over, "My goddess, Tempest, you look more enchanting every time I see you. How have you been faring?"
I felt my cheeks grow hot with fire at Charlie's lavish compliment, and before I could answer, a low growl crept between us, followed by a throat cleared in irritation. Charlie stepped back quickly, his wide brown and blue eyes lit up with something that I thought might have been irritation before it was quickly replaced with resignation. He moved so that I could see his company and introduced us, “Ah yes, my sincerest apologies Tempest. Let me introduce you to Prince Beauregard Lucas Graysen.”
My jaw fell open at being introduced to the Crown Prince. “Well, thank you Charlie, and it's my pleasure to make your acquaintance my Prince," I stammered as I curtsied.
“Please call me Beau, and the pleasure is all mine, Tempest," the prince replied with an intense look in his glacier blue eyes that locked onto mine and sent ripples of longing through my body. "I couldn't help but notice you from across the room. You have a certain...aura about you."
I felt my heart racing as I took in the sight of him. Prince Beauregard was tall, with broad shoulders and chiseled features that made him look like he was carved out of gold and ivory marble. His hair was jet black and styled in a way that made him look sophisticated and dangerous. Beau had an air of confidence about him that was both intimidating and alluring. His piercing blue eyes matched the silken accents of my dress and seemed to stare straight into my soul, making me feel vulnerable in a way I had never felt before.
There was something about him that drew me in, an inexplicable magnetism that I couldn't resist. It was like he held some kind of power over me, a power that left me dizzy... breathless... already I felt drawn to him, like he was someone I should have known all along.
Time seemed to stand still, and I couldn't bring myself to look away from his gaze. He stepped closer, almost close enough for me to feel his breath on my neck, and slowly he extended his hand towards me.
“May I have this dance?” he asked with a small smile tugging at the corner of his full pink lips.
This was the Crown Prince, and I was just a lowly gifted. The idea of dancing with him was both thrilling and terrifying. My mind raced as I considered all that had happened in the last few minutes, and before I could answer, he stepped forward, gently taking my hand with one of his own and wrapping an arm around my waist.
He guided me across the dance floor with ease, leading us through intricate steps without missing a beat. It was clear that he was an experienced dancer, which only added to his allure. As our bodies moved in sync with each other's, I closed my eyes briefly and allowed myself to get lost in the moment. This feeling of contentment was unfamiliar but strangely comforting as we continued our dance together, seemingly oblivious to everything else around us.
As he turned us around the floor, I could feel his gaze upon me, like a weight. Every inch of my skin seemed to be aware of him, even though moments ago we had been strangers.