I nod. ‘It was good to talk to your dad, he’s sound as they come.’

‘He can get a bit serious, but yeah, he’s safe.’

‘It’s like he totally accepts you, and he wants to look out for you, know what I mean? Unlike my mum who is sooo determined I should be something I’m not.’

Ben shrugs, sticks his hands in his pockets.

‘It’s funny, since I got that letter, I can’t help wondering what it would be like to have a dad? Pretty much never thought about it before,’ I add.

Ben stops and turns to me. ‘I’m earning money, I’m off to uni. I’m not sure my dad would be so accepting of me sitting on my butt all day.’

He presses the button on a pedestrian crossing and watches for the green man.

‘Wow, thanks for the support, man,’ I shout above the traffic.

Ben shakes his head. ‘Not saying it’s easy, but there’s always someone else to blame.’

‘Well I hope you never come unstuck, with your one-way ticket to a higher fucking mathematical plane?’ I fling my arms about as we cross the road.

‘And it was all laid on a plate for me, wasn’t it?’ Ben says as we reach the other side.

Ben sets a manic pace into town, with me trailing behind. Little boy told off for being a spoilt brat? I feel tears rising. Fuck’s sake.

We reach the roundabout just as a coach turns off for the bus station. I strain to see where it’s going but miss the sign.

Ben stops and pulls a half smile at me.

‘Look,’ we both start at the same time.

‘Go on,’ he says.

‘It’s OK, I was considering diverting via the bus station.’ I shift from one leg to another.

‘Still thinking of taking off?’

‘As in I’ve got fuck all to stay here for?’

‘Go for it!’ Ben smiles encouragement and leads the way. He knows he’s fucked me off. At least he knows it.

‘Where are you thinking of, Geth?’

I don’t want to tell him, but I might need to borrow some dosh. He may have called me a dosser, but he’s a mate all the same.

‘As far away as I can get on a bus?’ I say, pleased with this get-out.

‘Lands’ End? John O’Groats?’

‘Ecclesfield?’ I laugh.

‘Tha’ll be lucky!’

The ticket offices are closed, but the TV displays show a few more buses yet to leave: Leeds 21:03; Barnsley 21:24; Worksop 21:43; Inverness 21:50.

‘Ben,’ I grab his arm. ‘Where’s Inverness?’

‘Scotland, you dork.’
