Page 91 of Orion Ruined

“Where are you going?” Kai asks. For a moment I think he’ll run after her. But he doesn’t.

Maisy leaves the room. We hear her sobbing, the sound gradually fading, leaving me infuriated.

“She’s not leaving our world this easy,” I growl under my breath.

Logan turns to me, his chest all puffed up like he’s ready to defend her. “What are you doing, Orion?”

“Logan, please remind me what it is that we always do in these situations. You have to, because you’ve clearly forgotten.”

“Orion, we’ve been through this. We are not killing her! And I don’t want to hear that anymore. Maisy’s ours. Whether she likes it or not.”

“You think I don’t want that?” I retort. “But she must see the consequences of her actions, and the impact she leaves on this world. On us. If we don’t punish her, she’ll learn nothing. Come on, you know that.”

“She must know she’s made a mistake,” Kai interjects calmly, “but Milan’s after her too.”

“I haven’t been taken for this big a fool since second grade!” I exclaim in frustration. “She’s playing us with her little cunt and none of us have the strength to end her.”

“I don’t want to end her.” I say.

“Me either,” Kai agrees.

“Then she must learn her lesson. And if she dies in the process, it wasn’t meant to be.”



I run away, choking on my sobs. My love is worth nothing without my loyalty? I’ve been loyal. What more do they want? My life? He probably just meant my love is worth nothing. That, I believe. My heart is torn by this new, raw pain. I’ve never had a man in my life who didn’t want to use me in some way. But I made sure it was always tit for tat. I knew this was how it would end, and because of it, I’m in control. I’m in control. My plan was to find Rosey, that’s why I came to this house. That’s what’s been driving me all this time. Had I not taken things into my own hands I’d never have found out that Rosey’s alive.

There. More proof that the only way to succeed is by myself. But somewhere along the way, they happened. I feel them crawling under my skin, like flesh-eating bugs I can’t get rid of. All three of them. I hate this feeling of dependence. Of addiction. Did I think it would last? No. But it’s been going on for longer than I imagined. I got caught in their trap. Their trap. I’m the smart one, I am a genius, I have the brains to think clearly and to push them away and yet, I didn’t. I waited. For what? They were the ones who said my love is worth nothing. My love is worth as much as they’re willing to give back. It’s no illusion, it’s clear as day. Just like I know men exist to use women, the three of them used me and discarded me like a piece of garbage. And then said my love wasn’t worth it. I predicted this. A long time ago.

As I wipe from my cheeks the tears spilling freely from my eyes, I enter the kitchen.

Lisa’s kind face greets me. “Maisy! Are you okay?”

I snort. “Um, Lisa. Good morning. Yeah, I’m okay. It’s… nothing.”

She raises her eyebrows. “Nothing?”

I manage a little smile. “Orion helped me find my sister, Rosey. I don’t know exactly how I’m going to get her, but I will.”

“You found your sister? That’s wonderful, Maisy.”

“Um, I’m not sure if you saw, I used your Uber account yesterday,” I sniffle. “I’m really sorry. I have no money, but Orion will pay you back.”

“Yes, I noticed. Don’t worry about it.” She passes me a tissue.

“W-Would you mind giving me a ride to a friend’s house?” I shouldn’t ask her, since I don’t want them knowing where I am. But all I want is to leave this place, and the memory of it.

“Sure. Does Orion know you’re going?”

“Th-that’s over.” I try to choke back another sob, but it’s too late.

“Come here. I’m sure you’ll work things out.” Lisa hugs me and I bawl on her shoulder, letting it all go.

It’s cathartic, and it feels like I’m back in time. No one has ever held me like this except for my mother. I miss my mom. I miss my mom. There, I said it. I can’t always be the strong one, Mom. What if I need someone to lean on? Like today? Then what?

I sense someone entering the kitchen and Lisa shooing them back out. The last thing I want is for anyone else to see me crying.