Page 16 of Orion Ruined

Normal? Only up until the day I turned twelve was my life normal. I had a mother, a sister, and a stepfather, who later turned out to be the biggest monster out there. And everything was ‘normal’ up until Mom died. Cancer does that to people. Takes them away when they are most needed. Since then, my life has been anything but normal. But I don’t tell them that. I stick to the parts when I was little, that I remember. I don’t feel right making things up so when they ask me about my teens, I stop. They’d probably poke and ask more questions, but somehow our time together is always cut short. It’s as if Orion has put some kind of embargo on me. Asshole.

I’ve left my room only once. It was past midnight and I was in the kitchen when I heard grunting sounds coming from the basement. Quietly, on tiptoes, I pushed open the door and took a few steps down to what looked like a huge space under the house and probably beyond–part gym, part boxing ring. Step by step I followed the sound, until the room opened up to me and Orion came into view. I was still mad at him for insulting me and I wanted to say something, to tell him off, to stand up for myself.

He was lying on his back on a bench, in his shorts. I saw his black sneakers and muscly legs first, then his naked torso, a sight to behold: glistening with sweat, one side full of tattoos from his neck down to his arm and chest, as well as his thigh down to his knee. What got me flustered was how the weight he pushed away from his chest triggered a grunt, and the bulging of his pectorals and biceps–all that was more than enough for a wet heat to develop uninvited in my core.

I stood there, immersed in him, watching him sweat and grunt until he finished his reps and sat up. His eyes landed directly on me, as if he’d already known I was there. He couldn’t have. But somehow, he did.

“Keep showing up like this and you’ll get your ass spanked, Maisy.”

I was there to put him in his place but for some reason, I became mute, just staring into his eyes. It felt as if he took away all my cognitive power, but when he stood up abruptly, my petrified little heart skipped a beat. I spun on the spot and ran. Up the two flights of stairs and straight to my room. Imagine him saying that. You’ll get your ass spanked.

And since then, I dare not go out. Thinking about him gets me flustered a lot. He was clear: I’m not allowed to be seen. And I wasn’t–it was only that night that he saw me, but he said if someone else sees me, he cannot protect me. Lying low is the best plan for the moment. Until they forget about me.

At least he remembers to feed me. It’s always early in the morning and late at night. Judging by the scent in the air, he brings the food himself, leaving the tray outside my room. I don’t know if someone prepares it, but the food is superb. And morning and evening, there’s always on the tray a small punnet of strawberries, sweet and juicy.

He’s also brought me basic toiletries, pads, five packs of boring black panties (clearly he doesn’t look at me in that way), jeans, leggings, cami tops to sleep in and so on. He even got me a cellphone, but I gave it back immediately. I don’t have anyone to talk to in this world, and as for the internet, no thank you. I don’t want to inject more information into my head. I have enough. What he failed to bring me was shoes. That’s probably to remind me to stay in, I’ll bet.

In my boredom I turned to Netflix, Disney, Hulu, Apple TV, Prime… I have a feeling I’ve seen everything already.

Finally, I found a pen and paper in one of the drawers and started to communicate with him via letters.

I’ll sit and write him a message on how I loved or hated the food, how I love the strawberries, but what’s the point if there’s no cream? And why did he say what he said in the basement? Trying to sound normal. My intention is to become relatable, because when I’m in his presence, when he looks at me in his particular way, I’m overpowered. Another thing I hate myself for.

What’s really odd is that he hasn’t asked anything of me yet. People don’t stop with their requests once they know what I know, and that worries me. Maybe they’re planning how to kill me this very moment. In any case, I can’t run anymore. In here, I’m free. There’s nothing to do but eat and watch TV. And be normal, I guess.

Today is the same as any day. It’s past midnight, and I’m watching something on Disney Plus when I hear a knock on my door.

I put the TV on mute and listen.

“Come to the kitchen, I’ll cook you something to eat.”

I never knew Orion’s voice could sound so inviting.

“One moment!” I look down at myself. I haven’t showered since yesterday and I’ve been in bed all day. I may have even gained weight.

I jump up and put on jeans and a t-shirt before leaving the room, practically running to the kitchen. Why, I don’t know. Well, I do.

“Hello, Maisy.” Orion greets me with a steady gaze. He’s dressed impeccably in a suit, minus the jacket. There’s a speck of joy in his expression, I’m sure of it.

I lean on the table, a few steps away from him. “I thought you’d forgotten about me.”

“How could I? You’ve been eating all my food, and complaining about it.” His impassive expression makes him impossible to read.

“Not always.”

“Not always, true.” His deft fingers begin to loosen his tie. The rings draw my focus, together with the tattoos on his forearms peeking from under his rolled shirtsleeves. I remember the tattoos on his body and wonder how they would feel beneath my fingertips, tracing them from end to end.

He must’ve finished work now; his outfit is for anywhere but the kitchen.

“So, what’s the occasion? Did you get laid?” Asking it doesn’t feel right, but was that where he was all this time?

He cocks his head to one side, regarding me intently.“Would you have wanted me to get laid just to let you out of your room?”

I blush. “If that’s what it takes. Whatever.”

He comes to me. My neck cranes as he pinches my chin, urging me to look up at him. “I don’t trust you. There’s still something you’re not telling us.” His eyes drop to my lips and he sucks in a breath.

“I told you everything,” I mutter, and pull my face from his grip.