Page 10 of Orion Ruined

Orion’s still in the room. I hear him sigh, sounding annoyed. “We’ll talk tomorrow.”

I sense the cover being draped over me, and I feel tucked in, cozy.



I’m ready for our meeting. I want to get this over and done with. It’s morning, and my mind is firmly set on not killing Maisy. The sight of her last night, water droplets from the shower clinging to her thick lashes, her bare shoulders glistening in the light, and two perfect mounds protruding from the towel wrapped tightly around her body, made my heart pound. And she didn’t show a flicker of terror that she was being held by the heads of not one, but three crime syndicates.

Orion wants her dead. It’ll be tough changing his mind. We’ve always followed his lead. As someone who’s a practicing lawyer, he knows what’s best when it comes to liabilities. The funny thing is, I didn’t expect Logan to back me. To be on the same footing as him makes me feel good, powerful. Like he’s in my corner for once. Since we met thirteen years ago at that deserted factory, despite the pact the three of us made to stick together no matter what, Logan and I have always been in competition. But deep down, we love each other. He’s the brother I never had.

I decide I had enough time lying in the bed so I leave Lisa’s bedroom and go in search of coffee.

Orion’s kitchen is big, with a large island in the middle and an equally imposing wooden table next to the wall, enough to seat fourteen people. Logan and Orion are already there, sitting opposite each other and talking.

Logan’s swearing under his breath. “For fuck’s sake…”

I pour myself a large cup and sit next to him. They both seem agitated. “What’s going on?”

Logan sounds somber. “She knows Camila was here.”

My jaw drops. It can’t be. Fuck. “Then the rat’s blood on her face must be for you. Or all of us.” My head is spinning as to who knows about us.

“You know what this means.” Orion cuts through us like a knife through a birthday cake. “She must die.”

I nod decisively. No one’s immune from execution when they have that kind of knowledge. Logan looks at me and nods too. I feel you, man. What protectors we are. We said she’ll be safe and now we can’t deliver.

“There’s more. Last night she was running away from a pimp. Got stamped, meaning she was medically checked maybe three, four hours before we saw her. They inserted her with an implant, the whole shebang.”

“Who’s the pimp?” I snarl. At least I can take it out on him when she’s gone.

Orion shakes his head. “She won’t tell.”

Maisy’s been cagey about everything. I wish she’d tell us who the fucker is.

“Who’s gonna do it?” Orion asks bluntly.

I lower my head. This has always been the easiest part. When people have it coming we have no problem killing them. If it’s one, or ten, meh, work is work. But now, today, fuck me if I’m pulling the trigger. If I must–if I’m told to–I will, but I don’t want to.

Logan looks away, a clear indication he doesn’t want to do it either.

“In that case, all of us will pull the trigger,” Orion concludes. “Or do you pussies want me to do it?”

In the distance is a faint noise of a door opening, and Orion stops talking. He turns toward the staircase, listening to the barefooted footsteps that grow louder until Maisy appears. She’s wearing an oversized t-shirt that comes down to just under her ass.

“Good morning.” She smiles, and my cock twitches. I follow her every step as she saunters in front of us and behind Orion, to the coffee pot. Orion doesn’t move.

“Good morning.” My face lights up. I know it does because Orion scolds me with a glare.

Logan grins. “Good morning, Maisy.”

She picks up the coffee pot in one hand and looks around for a cup.

“They’re in the cupboard, on the left,” Orion says without turning around.

She opens the cupboard. The cups are on the second shelf, too high for her. She pushes herself up on tiptoes and just about grabs one, but it slides from under her fingertips and gets nudged further from her reach. She stretches again, and her t-shirt rides up.

Oh, dear God! She has nothing on! We are spectators in the front row of the show called Maisy’s Perfect Round Ass. My cock throbs in appreciation, but only for a moment, because I remember I’ll be blowing her brains out soon.