Page 23 of Star Power


Hey, hope your meeting went well yesterday. Are you free tonight?

Lara didn’t want to be clingy, but she might as well see if and when Charlotte would see her again. And she got her answer a few minutes later.


Hey. Yes, all good with Jerry. I have a thing tonight that I can’t get out of. Tomorrow night?

Lara sighed.


I’m flying to New York. I have a client on Broadway who I need to see before the musical closes.


Will you be back in time to go to Ada’s on Sunday?


Yes. I fly back in the morning. See you there?

Lara hated that she wasn’t going to see Charlotte until then, but at least Charlotte seemed like she wanted to see her if their schedules weren’t so busy.


Yeah. Maybe you could come back to mine after?


I’d love to.

Nina appeared, and Lara put her phone face down on the counter, feeling slightly better about things.

“Nina,” Lara said as she sat down on the stool beside her. “I’m actually going to start sharing my personal calendar with you.”

Lara couldn’t believe that she’d nearly forgotten about Ada’s dinner party, but Sydney had texted her about it when she’d been cooking dinner for Charlotte the other night, and she’d completely forgotten about it until Charlotte had mentioned it.

After Ada’s big win on Sunday night, Sydney wanted to host a dinner at their house to celebrate. Just friends, Sydney had said. Very casual. And it would have been.

Except now Lara would have to figure out how she would navigate whatever it was she was doing with Charlotte. They weren’t going to see each other until then, when they would be surrounded by friends, and this was the kind of conversation that had to happen in person.

If they even were going to have a conversation. How long would Lara keep sleeping with her without knowing what Charlotte wanted? If Charlotte was seriously concerned about their age difference, she might only want a casual thing that was never going to be serious, and Lara had no idea what she would say if that’s what she suggested.

Actually, she did.

Lara knew she couldn’t turn Charlotte down. Even if it would hurt her in the long run. She couldn’t do it.

She would definitely see Charlotte in secret. If that was what she wanted.

That was the problem though.

Lara had no idea what Charlotte wanted.


Charlotte took a seat on the couch beside Ada just as Sydney got up, everyone relaxing after dinner, mingling and having a few drinks. Ten of the twelve people that Sydney had invited were still here, and Charlotte hated that if anyone asked her at any point tonight if she’d seen Lara, she would know exactly where to find her.