Page 3 of Spook's Possession


I barely noticed the burning sensation along my midsection that followed as my fist connected with his face, landing a perfect right hook to his jaw. He landed flat on his ass, shaking his head before he scrambled to his feet.

I faced the triad of bullies, cracking my knuckles.

As if one mind, they converged.

Fighting off one bully? Easy. Two? A little more challenging. Three? A goddamn nightmare.

Ghostface drew blood a few more times with that fucking knife before I finally managed to snatch it from him. He held onto his left side, where I knew he nursed a cracked rib or two.

The Wolfman slashed with his claws, but they weren’t as sharp as I initially believed. He scratched me, but that was it. I busted his mask as my fist collided with the mouth, and the teeth were broken out, revealing his features.

Dade Carmichael. The rich boy. His two best friends, the jocks, never left his side at school. I learned they were all stepbrothers last week, but each carried the Carmichael last name since their parents married when they were in eighth grade.

Dade, Samuel, and Oliver. My new enemies.

Dade sneered through his split lip. “You aren’t kneeling yet, cowboy.”

Ghostface snickered. “He will.”

I couldn’t tell if Samuel or Oliver wore that mask. Didn’t care.

Above our heads, thunder rumbled in the cloudy night sky. A quick flash of lightning heralded the incoming storm. Static crackled in the air as I remained on my feet, zipping across the surface of my skin. The Nevada heat hadn’t let up with sundown, and sweat clung to my skin.

I always enjoyed a good hard rain. Something about standing in the middle of a downpour felt cleansing. Like all the bad shit done to me in my life had a chance of being washed away.

Wishful thinking? Probably.

The sins of the past never released their cruel grip.

Pennywise thought he had the upper hand and lunged in my direction as I swiped the stolen blade in my hand in a wide arc, slashing across his arm and through the It costume. Blood rose to the surface of his skin as he glanced down.

“I’ll n-never kneel,” I spat.

I saw his body stiffen with rage, and then he rammed into me, tackling my body to the ground. The knife flew out of my hand and across the asphalt as I landed on my back. My head bounced off the hard, unforgiving pavement.

A groan passed through my lips. Fuck!

The clown straddled my waist as the first drops of rain began to fall. I felt his fist connect with my face but hardly felt any pain. Staring up at the sky, I caught another bolt of lightning.

A heavy rumble followed as if the gods above disapproved of my beating.

“Quick! Get the knife!”

“I can’t find it!”

“It was just here!”

Blinking, I tried to shove the heavy fucker off my chest as he pressed his weight on me.

“Looking for this?”

The four of us ceased all movement, turning our heads to stare at the raven-haired beauty holding onto the blade. Her calm expression was downright scary as her lips curled in a smile.

My gaze traveled the length of her body, taking in the costume she wore. Somehow, it suited her. Her long hair had been parted with two braids that each rested over her shoulders. The hem of a black dress rested above her knees, and I couldn’t tear my eyes away from her long legs or the black socks stretched over her calves. An oversized white collar and cuffs completed the ensemble.

A perfect Wednesday Addams.