Mason knows that Clara is coming here. He’s been preparing for her all morning. He’s probably under the impression that she’s late or something. I bet he doesn’t know she’s naked and writhing underneath Cain. That might kill him. Mason will kill Cain, and probably the rest of us as well just because he’ll be on a rampage. One like we have never seen before.

He described Clara as his mate, which really fucking puts us in a bad place.

So, why am I not yelling at them to stop? Why do I not hate Cain as much as I should for fucking her and not stopping? Why the hell is my cock straining against my pants, like I want to be in the middle of that? Fuck, I feel absolutely disgusted with myself. I hate what I’m feeling right now. It’s all too much for me. I can’t handle it. I can’t handleher.

I should go, right? Even with Clara reaching out to me, trying to hold my hand as she’s being fucked by Cain. I should just leave. It’s clear this awkward moment isn’t going to come to an end, so I need to get out of here now. I need to leave and… I don’t know what…

But I don’t. I don’t move. My feet remain stuck right where I am, on the edge of the gym, wondering what the hell I’m doing. I’m kinda mesmerized actually. I can’t take my eyes off of Clara. Watching the pleasure take hold of her, gripping onto her chest and eventually cascading over her body, is utterly addictive. The sound she makes as she’s being pleased, the way her body writhes and moves, the deliciously vulnerable expression on her face… it’s all overwhelming. I’m completely struck by her. Addicted to her. Just like I was the first time I laid eyes on her. Only it might be worse now. The addiction might be too much for me.

Wait, what is that?All of a sudden, a different scent floods my nostrils, something really unexpected. But I can’t place it. I know it’s coming from Clara, but I don’t know what it is. That’s what finally breaks the ice that I’ve been contained in and gets me moving.

Clara is already like a magnet, but having a reason to get nearer to her means I can’t resist anymore. The temptation has taken hold of me, taken control of my body, to be honest. I barely feel like myself as I make my way close enough to finally take hold of Clara’s hand.

This is wrong. That thought strikes me hard, almost knocking me off kilter. It’s like a lightning bolt that should halt me from lacing my fingers around Clara’s and holding on to her soft skin.This is so wrong… what about Mason’s plan? We can’t forget that…

I swallow hard, thinking about what Mason wants to do. He wants to take Clara’s beautiful glowing necklace, and he wants to break it, so that no one else will know she descends from royalty, and that might also take the wolf out of her, taking away her animal.

Clara will likelyhateus for that. I would lose my mind if someone did something so drastic to me without my permission. I would never forgive them. God, I know this is a weird place for me to have such an internal conflict, but I can’t stop it. My thoughts are speeding off out of control, a bit like a race car careering off the road, colliding into a brick wall and exploding in a violent and horrific way. In a way that messes up everything.

However, that doesn’t stop me from being drawn to her. I can’t stop watching Clara as the endless waves of pleasure crash over her again and again. She’s so beautiful that it actually makes my heart hurt. All I want to do is lean in and kiss her, to bring myself into this crazy moment, and to let myself feel that special feeling again. Icravethat feeling.

No one hasevermade me feel that way before, and I know no one ever will again. It’s impossible. She’s just too incredible. There is something very special about her. I don’t actually think that has anything to do with her necklace, but I still don’t want to steal that from her. I wouldn’t want to change anything about her ever. We can’t. Mason can’t…

Oh God, what am I doing? I’m leaning in and bringing my lips to hers. Clara is turning around on the workout bench to face me as she brings her lips to me. Cain slinks back away from Clara, but I know he’s not going anywhere. A darkness in his eyes wants to see where this is going. He wants to know what’s going to happen with me and Clara, and I have to admit that I have the same interests. I want to know the same…

“Join us,” Clara whispers, her words tickling my lips as she runs a finger up and down my body. “I want you, too, Adam. This might be complicated, but I want all of you.”

Can we say that she belongs to Mason if that’s not what she wants? He might have claimed her as his own, as his mate, but it’s clear that she has a connection with me and Cain as well. I know she has a stake in this and a say in her future. We can’t deny her that, nor should we. Plus, she’s pushing herself up into a sitting position now so she can kiss me harder and more fiercely. All rational thought is about to slip away from me.

Her tongue invades my mouth as her eager fingers graze the outside of my trousers. Clara gasps with delight as she feels how rock hard I am for her, only making my cock strain harder against the material. I shouldn’t, but I need to break free right now…

“Mason is…”Oh fuck!Is that Sledge? He’s come to round us up for this God damn meeting with Mason which is going to result in us all dying. There’s no way I’ll be able to hide how I feel about Clara when it’s written all over my face and body. “Oh shit…”

But Clara isn’t as worried about this as me. Cain doesn’t look concerned, either. He’s breathlessly sitting back on the chair in the corner of the room, with the same dark, passion filled eyes, just watching everything unravel in front of him. Shock and awe crosses his face.

“What the hell is happening here?” Sledge demands as he rakes his fingers desperately through his hair, his face crumbling with stress. “Fuck, what’s happening?”

“Come here, Sledge.” Clara smiles as she wiggles her finger seductively, drawing him over to us. “I have been dreaming about you a lot, Sledge. About that kiss and more.”

He’s panicking, just like I was only a moment ago, and like I probably still should be, but Clara has managed to switch all of that off with her magical touch. She still has her fingers all over my body, setting me alight, burning up the blood running through my body.

“I can’t do this, Clara,” Sledge whispers as he edges closer to her. I can tell that he’s already lost. “None of us can do this. It’s going to get us all killed. You don’t understand…”

But she crashes her lips to his and silences him before anything else can come out of his mouth. Watching them kiss isn’t making me feel jealous like it should. It’s turning me on more, especially because somehow Clara is still expertly touching me. Her fingers are deliciously still grazing me, brushing my rock-hard cock, making my whole body tremble with desire. I run my fingers through her hair, needing to touch her even as she’s kissing my friend. Me and the guys have been through a lot together, we really have, but nothing even comes close to this. I don’t even know how to explain what’s happening. All I’m sure of is the fact that Ineverwant this to end. This is just magical, the best experience of my life.

“I want you, Sledge,” Clara finally murmurs as they break apart. “I have wanted you ever since we kissed. You felt that, too, didn’t you? That spark. You know it was there.”

He nods slowly, letting both me and Cain know that she’s also kissed him. What the hell has been going on in this home without us knowing? I thought that I was a lot more observant than this. Clara has shifted absolutely everything within us all. I don’t know what this means for our pack and future, but it’s hard to think about right now.

“We shouldn’t do this,” Sledge replies as he lightly cups Clara’s face. “This is going to end up getting us in all kinds of trouble. You know that, right? This is insane…”

Clara smirks and wiggles her eyebrows playfully as she hooks her arms around his neck. “You don’t like trouble, Sledge? Because I’m pretty sure that I can’t keep myself out of trouble, and I always end up having a lot of fun. You don’t want to be a part of that?”

God, she’s seductive, isn’t she? She’s absolutely intoxicating. And so much trouble…

Sledge is the one to collide his lips with hers, and everything heats up all over again. She explores me while Sledge leans her back and slowly drops to his knees in front of her, between her legs. As I hear the moans of pleasure sliding out of her mouth once more, I edge my cock closer to her lips. She’s licking them, drawing me towards her as it is, needing to taste me, and I amnotone to deprive this woman. Whatever she wants, I’m here for her.

At first, Clara presses a light kiss to my tip, teasing me, darting her tongue out ever so slightly so I can get a taste of what’s to come. Not that I can stand being teased. A pressure of anticipation is already building up inside me, threatening to overflow and erupt at any given moment. The intensity of the ragged breaths falling out of my mouth is crazy powerful. I don’t know how much longer I can stand it.