“Cain Adams,” I shoot right back, trying to keep my voice steady so she doesn’t think I’m falling for whatever spell she’s trying to put on me. A strong, confident woman who isn’t afraid to hold her own isn’t common in the Thompson household, and I amstruck.

“Right, Cain, I will see if I can remember that,” she teases, bringing her lips a little closer to mine. We might be far away from kissing, but that doesn’t stop the chemistry from building. “Although maybe when I talk to Mason, I won’t need to remember you.”

I can’t resist rising to the challenge. It’s too much. She’s won.

“Actually, I don’t think you’re going to be able to forget me,” I murmur as I slide my chair a little closer to hers and rest my hand on her thigh. I can feel desire thrumming through her body. She’s screaming out for me. She wants me, just as badly as I do her.

I don’t know where Mason or any of the other guys are, but at this point, I don’t think it matters. This is happening regardless, even if they all walk in. The way my pulse is pounding right now. I can’t resist temptation. All the anger I was feeling before is long gone. Now all I need isher. I know Clara’s body will make all of this okay.

An adorable pinkness stains her cheeks as she bites down on her bottom lip. She’s gagging for me. I can smell the need pouring out of her. Feeling how special she is, that’s what really gets me going. I don’t know if I’ve ever been this hard before.

With my eyes still fixed on hers, I move tantalizingly slowly to the edge of my seat and drop down to my knees in front of her. She parts her thighs ever so slightly, allowing me to breathe even more of her in. My whole body begins trembling with need.

I run my tongue along my teeth before finally connecting with her skin, kissing up the hyper sensitive skin of her thighs until she’s shuddering as well. Her breaths are sharp and ragged, and Iknowthat as soon as I get to where she’s throbbing for me, she’s going to fall apart. I can notwaitto make this strong woman crumble.

“Fuck, Cain…” She hisses as her head lolls back. Hearing my name like that is almost too much for me. My cock twitches, aching to plunge deep inside of her. I can’t risk that right now. I don’t think both of us should lose our minds. But I do need to hear her say my name like that, over and over again…

What was that?My ears prick up as the front door clicks open. Fuck my amazing hearing. I don’t needthatright now. But I suppose it’s good because we don’t want to end up in trouble right now. It’s fun to imagine that I wouldn’t stop whoever’s watching, but I guess I would. I whip myself away from Clara and stand by the door, waiting.

“What are you…?” she pants, staring at me, eyes glazed over and in shock. “What are you doing?”

I press my finger to my lips to indicate silence as I point toward the door beside me. Thankfully that seems to be enough to alert her to what’s happening here. She bolts up straighter and does what she can to calm herself down, but there’s no disguising that flush in her cheeks or the scent still flooding my nostrils. She’s killing me.

“Ah, Cain, there you are,” Mason declares as he swings open the door. “I have been looking for you. What the hell have you been up to…?” His words trail off once he realizes that I’m not alone. “Ah, I see you have been looking after my guest.”

Holy fuck. As soon as I catch sight of Mason staring at Clara, and I see the look in his eyes, I realize that I’m not the only one who’s entranced by Clara. He’s captivated by her too, which means… fuck, I don’t know what it means. I haven’t ever been mixed up in anything like this before. He’s staring at her like not only is her scent intoxicating to him but that she’s the best thing that ever happened to him. My heart sinks. I feel sick to my stomach.

“Mason, I need to talk to you.” Clara has managed to completely regain her composure as she rises to her feet to greet him. “And I think you know what about?”

The other guys walk in behind Mason. Sledge hangs his head low behind Mason, looking ashamed of what we’ve done. Whatever. Deep down, I’m sure he knows we did what we had to, and that’s the end. He quietly excuses himself and heads out of the room, probably somewhere he can go and fucking cry about his morals and all that he did wrong.

“What could you possibly need to speak to us about?” Adam demands, stepping in front of our boss. At least he’s angry like me. “We don’t need to talk to you about anything. You need to send your alpha to come and talk to our alpha. That’s how it works.”

Mason chuckles throatily and pushes Adam to one side. “Clara, while that might usually be the way we do things, I think I can make some time for you…”

“Before you do,” I blurt out, without really thinking about what I’m doing. “I need you.”

Mason stares at me in shock. “What do you mean?”

“I need to speak to you. Only quickly. Just for a moment.”

Thankfully, he seems to be able to see in my eyes that I am dead serious about this. I really do have something that I need to share with him, and I have to do it before he gets all caught up with Clara. I don’t really want to think about it, but I have to accept that if he takes Clara up to his bedroom, then we might not see them for days.

“Okay, Adam, you remain here with Clara. We need to talk.”

Mason nods to me and indicates for me to follow him, which I do, all the way to his office. We take a seat, and Mason shoots me a very confused look. “What is it?”

“I went and watched the pack as they dealt with the news that most of their fighters, including their alpha, had been killed.” Mason frowns because of course he didn’t tell me to do this, but he doesn’t chastise me. “They didn’t run, I thought they would go, but they haven’t. They’re still here, and they even chose a new alpha.”

Mason’s eyes pop wide. “Another alpha. Did you see who?”

“It was a woman… but I didn’t see more than that. My view was blocked. I couldn’t hear much other than them howling once the deed was done.”

“Fuck,” Mason mutters angrily. “That wasn’t expected. I thought they would come to us and want to join our pack. Or run, I suppose…”

“What are we going to do?” I demand. “We need to act quick, right… to sort this all out?”

Mason taps his chin thoughtfully. I hate it when he does this, carefully analyzes everything to make an informed choice. I wish just once he would act on instinct, like I would.