“We can’t attack them now,” he insists. “Not without making enemies of the other packs. We don’t want any of them to assume that they might be next… even if they might be. We have to be careful. We have to be cool. Level-headed, you know? Even you, Cain.”

I roll my eyes. “So, we’re just going to let them reform their pack?”

Mason shrugs. “Without any of their toughest fighters, what do we have to worry about? I’m sure they will be coming to us for protection soon enough.”

“Do you not think this is a mistake?” I demand. “That we’re just allowing them to do whatever they want while we stand back looking weak?”

Mason shakes his head. “Cain, we don’t need to act all the time. That isn’t how this works. We have to be smart. That’s the only way to keep our power. If we’re just killing machines then everyone else will team up to take us down.”

I grit my teeth together, knowing that he’s probably right, but that doesn’t help my hot-headed nature. I can’t help wanting to put an end to things here and now.

“I suppose I better get back and see what Clara wants from me,” Mason continues, sticking yet another dagger into my heart. I was so close to claiming her as my own, and now she’s being ripped away from me. As soon as Mason claims her, no one else will stand a chance. “I’m sure she’s here for something very important.” He rests his hand reassuringly on my shoulder. “Wewilldo something about this, Cain, but we need to be careful. I want to make sure we stay on top. Trust from the others is essential.”

I hate it, but I can’t argue with him. Not only because he’s my alpha but because he’s leaving the room, barely listening to me. Mason is so captivated by Clara, so interested in what she needs to say, that he isn’t bothered by me at all.

I sink back into the chair once he’s gone, trying my hardest not to think about what’s inevitably going to happen now. It seems like I will have to deal with that scent around me forever, and I won’t be able to do anything about it. That’s fucked. I hate that. I don’t know how I will cope.

I guess I’ll have to somehow. That fucking magic can’t work on me forever, right?



Idon’t know what has me more frustrated, the fact that Mason didn’t put me first the moment he walked into the room—can’t he tell that I’m an alpha now?—or the way that Cain has left me incredibly frustrated. Iknowthings shouldn’t have gotten quite so far with him, but it felt so fucking good at the time and I couldn’t stop myself.

I wanted him, I craved him, I ached for him… then everyone came back home and ended it for me before things even had a chance to get started.

I wasn’t expecting to feel that intense chemistry with anyone else. I wasn’t even expecting it with Mason, never mind the guy under him, but there is something truly magnetic about Cain. That thick, muscular body that absolutely towers over mine, the darkness of his almost dark eyes as they pierce into me, the way I can feel him wanting me…

Fuck, my body is burning up with desire, and now I have to watch Mason and Cain both leave the room to chat about something. I hope it isn’t me because that will be fucking awkward. How will I explain myself to either of them?

“Do you need anything?” I almost forgot that someone else was in the room with me until his soft voice shot through my shock barrier. Immediately, I can tell that he’s nothing like Mason and Cain. There’s a much sweeter side to him that I might be able to use to my advantage… “A mug of coffee or anything like that as we wait?”

I nod along because I am actually a little parched, and I would like something to drink. Something to take my mind off the confusing mix of desire and emotions running through my body. I’m supposed to be here to properly talk to Mason about everything that’s happened, including me becoming alpha, but if he’s not here, what can I do…?

I tap my feet as I wait for Adam to return, looking at the portrait on the wall. It’s a cute family portrait… you know, if you like being captured in oil. I don’t know how I would look up there. But to me, this portrait represents something I haven’t ever had before. Stability.

Mason and his family must have always lived here, in this one place. They have a good standing in Chicago. They have a permanent home. I’ve always been on the move, my pack has never settled down in one place, and I actually think I would kind of like that.

Growing up, it was fine, I didn’t know any different, and when Brian was in charge, I didn’t mind either. I went with the flow. But now I have power, and it’s up tometo decide what to do with my pack. Although I don’t even know where to begin…

“Here,” Adam interjects my thoughts with a great smelling coffee. “I hope this is good.”

I take a sip before nodding eagerly. “Yeah, it’s very good, thank you.”

As I smile up at Adam, a new urge overcomes me. I came here with thoughts of becoming the alpha still swarming my mind. Then things almost got reckless with Cain. I still crave that. I want to do something mad and out of character, something sporadic and reckless…

I need to have some fun right now to take my mind off of everything, and since Cain let me down, why not see where things with Adam could head? Although I won’t be challenging and out right flirty with him, that doesn’t feel right for Adam…

God, what has happened to me? One night with Mason has turned me into some kind of sexual goddess. That’s a bit of a strange feeling… one I kinda like. I didn’t know I could ever be this way, so it’s an oddly delicious sensation. One I want to roll with.

“Please, take a seat,” I say with a welcoming smile, indicating to where Cain was just moments before. Well, before he fell to his knees in front of me, setting me alight. Heat pools in my panties just thinking about it. “I’m Clara, by the way, Clara Davies. I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced yet. It’s good to meet you…”

“Adam.” I can’t help but notice how he’s staring at me. It’s like he can’t keep his eyes off my breasts as they jut out of my crop top. He likes me. “I’m Adam Jones.”

“Adam Jones,” I repeat, rolling his name around in my mouth. “Nice to meet you.”

He doesn’t have the same killer instinct as Cain and Mason, but he has something else. I can’t quite put my finger on what it is yet, but I’m definitely intrigued. I feel like with Adam,Icould be the one in control, and that is sexy as hell. Mason claims me, Cain has me under a spell, but Adam… he’s softer. I could dominate him.