“Don’t you see it yet?” Eros asks. “It’s impossible for our bond to break. We are fated for this. Our love is destined. I will always like you. I will always love you. Always.”
“Always,” I whisper. “It will never end.”
“Never. Your heart is safe with me, Justice.”
I nod, letting it all sink in. “So if I move here, then what? I just… exist?”
“Whatever you want. You can work if you like. You can study. Or spend your time reading. It really doesn’t matter to me as long as you’re happy.”
“I don’t have to become an assassin like Bowie and Tru?”
“No. They chose it.”
“Because they want to kill people?”
He tilts his head back and forth. “They have their reasons. Some of it is a desire to release their inner beasts in a controlled way. Some of it is likely a desire to be with their mates at all times. You are not required to do that though.”
“How will I eat?”
“I will provide for you.”
I nod. “Can I eat regular food?”
“You physically can, but you may find a lack of interest in it, and at first, it might make you sick as your digestive system adjusts. It isn’t necessary though. You’ll get everything you need from the blood.”
“Does it taste gross?”
“I will let you decide that.”
I watch as he uses a sharp thumbnail to slit his wrist open. The moment the deep red liquid seeps from the wound, my stomach clenches with need and my gums throb.
“Oh. What’s happening?”
“Just your beast preparing to feed. Take all you need.”
I grab his wrist, latching onto his flesh and moaning as thick, warm liquid fills my mouth. It’s not gross. It’s fucking delicious. Like drinking honey flavored with cherry and rich earth. My mind doesn’t even seem to process what’s really happening, only focusing on the desperate need deep within me.
Eros watches me drink with hooded eyes, his fangs on display through parted lips and his irises glowing. He’s so beautiful, and he’s mine. Always.
After several minutes, the pain in my stomach relents and pure satisfaction washes over me. I pull off his wrist, licking my lips to get the last of it.
“That’s addictive, isn’t it?” I ask.
Eros nods. “Your bloodlust will become more rational and manageable over time, but in the beginning, all you want is flesh and blood.”
He nods, and my cock instantly swells with interest. “Fuck. Now I need that too.”
Eros chuckles. “I will give you everything you need. My cock…” He leans in and nuzzles my neck, causing my eyelids to flutter. “My cum.” His hand moves down my chest and tweaks my nipples. “My blood.” Eros grips my chin, gazing into my eyes. “Everything of mine is yours.”
I nod, focusing on his plump bottom lip. “Then make love to me.”
“With absolute pleasure.”
As Eros climbs over me, it’s like my logical brain checks out and all that’s left is this feral beast as he calls it, taking over all of me. Clothes fly and hands grope with desperate need. If I don’t get him inside me soon, I think I might explode.
“You won’t,” Eros whispers as he flips me onto my stomach. “Gods, I adore you.”