Eros grunts, his face tensing up as he thrusts deep inside me. He holds me to him, my face buried in the crook of his neck, and I shiver as he drags sharp teeth over the flesh of my shoulder. He collapses on top of me, shifting his weight slightly to the side but keeping me in his arms.
With his eyes closed and a peaceful smile on his face, I realize that while I’m not ready for everything that comes along with it, I’m never leaving this man if I can help it. Wild vampires couldn’t drag me away.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
I take slow, deep inhales of Justice’s addictive scent while he drifts to sleep in my arms. What a joyous day. My soul is settled as if every moment and decision in my life led me to this one. I thought a feeling like this would remain elusive for me, but now I’m certain fate has blessed me with my own mate.
After listening to his soft breathing for far too long, I pull myself away to get a warm cloth to clean his body. As I wash him, he opens his eyes, smiling before drifting off again. He even giggles in his sleep, and my long-sullen heart flutters in my chest.
I love him.
He is mine and I know it. One taste of his blood was the final proof I needed. Never has blood been so sweet and nourishing. Any other source will be bitter now, I’m sure.
Are you available?
I scowl as Yves’s thought reaches me.
Be right there.
I kiss Justice’s cheek, smoothing his hair back from his face. He smiles as his eyes open slightly.
“I have to go talk to my brothers. Sleep. You are safe here.”
He pops his bottom lip and looks so adorable, I cannot help but smile.
“I don’t want you to leave.”
“My darling, la mia gioia. I’ll only be in the common area.”
“That’s… Italian, right?”
“It is.”
He smiles. “We had a family from Italy that joined us. I recognized the ‘la mia’ part. What did you say?”
“My joy. That’s what you are to me. Pure joy.”
“How do you say ‘pure joy?’”
“Gioia pura.”
He chuckles. “I like that. You’re sexy and somehow even better when you speak another language.”
I kiss his nose, then, unable to resist, his sweet lips. “And you are my everything. Just rest. I’ll be back before you know it.”
“Fine, but you’ll probably have to rail me again to make up for it.”
I laugh out loud. “I can handle that.”
Forcing myself away from the bed, I shake off the desire and head to the common to see my brothers. There, I find several vampires we’ve come to call friends over the years.
“Eros,” Yves says. “You remember Michel Toussant from Neubrook, Ambrose Stone from Ravenbrook, and Dimas.”
“This is Augustus Rainier,” Dimas says, gesturing to a man I haven’t seen before. “And two members of his coven, Beto and Willem. They are here from Eaton Falls.”