“How do you feel?” I whisper, nuzzling his cheek.
“I feel a lot of shit. I never thought I’d willingly come back here.”
“You’re very brave.”
He searches my eyes, and I see the question forming in his. He’s suspicious. Whatever happens tonight, when it’s over, I have to tell him.
“Where to now, Justice?” Yves asks.
“Take a left at the light and keep driving. It’s going to get very dark and the paved road will turn to gravel. You won’t see it at all through the trees, but suddenly it will appear.”
Hale shifts in his seat, his heart rate kicking up.
“What’s wrong, Hale?” I ask.
“I don’t know,” he answers, twitching as he speaks. “I feel very unsettled. Like I shouldn’t be here.”
“If you were a disciple who escaped, you shouldn’t be,” Justice says plainly. “If they find you, they’ll take you away.”
“It’s been hundreds of years though, hasn’t it?” Midnight asks.
“If they are truly vampires, time doesn’t matter, brother. You know this,” Syn says.
Justice shivers next to me, but I know he’s not cold. It’s foreboding running through him. Through all of us.
Reaching for his hand, I squeeze it and press it to my chest. “Don’t be afraid, Justice. No matter what we find, we can handle it and protect you.”
“Why?” His tone is slightly defiant. “Why are you so confident?”
A feisty one.
Yves’s thoughts reach me.
“I promise to reveal all once we get through this next part.”
He narrows his eyes slightly before nodding. “Please don’t make me regret trusting you.”
“I will not hurt you, Justice. Ever.”
“I believe you. It’s just that…” He shakes his head. “I’ve believed a lot of stuff that turned out to be lies.”
“I know. All of this tonight is about keeping you safe in the long run. When we get back, I promise to answer any questions you have. I will keep nothing from you.”
Surprising me, he climbs into my lap and presses a kiss to my lips, unbothered by everyone around us. I sink into it, reveling in his sweet taste and warm scent, desire swirling in my core. He forces himself away but keeps his forehead pressed to mine.
“Just in case.”
“In case what?” I ask.
“In case something happens. Something that tears us apart.”
A tightness like nothing I’ve ever experienced wraps itself around my heart, a voice deep within me screaming no. It’s becoming clear that Justice entering my life is anything but a coincidence, and I know now I’d risk my own life to save his.
“That will never happen, Justice. Not while I still exist.”
He nods, but his eyes are sad and his mood somber. I have no idea what’s next, but I do know that Justice and I are leaving this place intact tonight. No matter what has to happen to make it true.