We leave his bedroom and settle in the living room while Syn and Bowie carry Nathan’s body to Hale. The wounded howl Hale releases upon seeing his dead lover rattles me, pulling at my own heart. It must be how Midnight felt when Benedict died. How Yves did when he lost Marcello.
“I have something to share,” I announce when Syn and Bowie return. “The man I found in the woods, Justice, he escaped from a cult. He’s at a safe house now. I bring this up because he told me the background of it and he mentioned a blood king.”
Yves tilts his head. “Did he?”
“Yes, but according to Justice, the blood king was poisoned and died. The cult is now run by a person they call the Supreme Being. He talked a lot about blood rituals. At the time, I assumed it was just some mortal nonsense, but given what Hale just told us, I’m beginning to wonder if we have a vampire cult on our hands.”
“Not only that,” Syn says, “but Hale’s attackers could be looking for said cult. If this is truly connected, this could be a huge problem for us.”
With a clenched jaw, Yves walks to the window, gazing out for a moment before turning to face us. “Why is this all happening in New Onyx when none of it originated here?”
“Justice came here intentionally because of where the safe house is. It had to be far from the cult compound to avoid discovery. Everything else is still a mystery.”
“We need to visit with your Justice then,” Thorn says. He’s been oddly quiet during all this, and I can’t be the only one wondering why. “If there really is a vampire cult, who’s not to say he’s still in danger?”
My chest tightens at the mere thought considering the dead mortal in the other room. “I will visit with Justice. I promised I would, and I don’t want to overwhelm him with a group of vampires.”
“I can go with you,” Raphael offers. “Stay outside and alert. Just in case.”
“I’ll go too,” Thorn says.
“No, Thorn. You’re too… excitable.”
He pops his bottom lip. “I am offended.”
“You’ll be okay. I’m sure Yves has a better use for your energy.”
Yves nods. “I do. I suggest we all go out for a hunt later. See what we can learn and if the attackers left any clues. I’ll call Viv and Viper to stay with Hale.”
“I think that’s a good idea,” Syn says. “We’ll need everyone tonight.”
Thorn shrugs. “Works for me. Let’s hunt some vampires.”
As we start to scatter, I catch up with Thorn. “Is something going on? You’re being quiet.”
“Hale’s pain has affected me. It worries me to think of any of ours being attacked.”
Patting his back, I smile. “We can handle it though. We are never caught unawares.”
“You’re right.” He grips my wrist, uncharacteristically serious. “Just protect your mortal. If he’s caught up in this, he’s not safe.”
“I will.”
As we separate, I head to my place, filled with too much energy. I need to see Justice and it needs to happen soon. I won’t rest until I’m sure he’s safe.
Chapter Ten
Is it totally stupid that I’ve been staring out my window for the last twenty minutes wondering whether Eros will visit? Yep. Do I care? Not at all.
It’s weird to be so wrapped up in someone I barely know, but Eros is special. I can tell. One thing I’ve always been good at is judging someone’s character. I knew Carina was a good person right away, and I know Eros is too, even if there is a dark edge to him. It doesn’t scare me though. Instead, it makes me want to know him even more.
After a few minutes, I give up and grab a book, trying to distract myself, but I’m rewarded just a little while later when I hear tapping on my window. I rush over and shove it open, smiling when Eros appears seemingly out of nowhere. He must be a damn good climber.
Eros smiles. “Hello, Justice. How are you?”