“Rest.” I laugh softly. “Not since earlier tonight when I found a lost man in the woods behind the club.”
“What do you mean?”
“I caught a scent and then a…” I shake my head. “A feeling, for lack of a better term. I was drawn out like a moth to a flame, and there he was, so slight and scared. He had been chased.”
“Interesting. What did you do?”
“Took him where he was going. He told me he escaped a cult and was on his way to a safe house but got lost. Apparently, he’s never been outside of the cult.”
“Fascinating. Did he say what it was called?”
“I don’t think so. If he did, I didn’t hear it. I was entranced by him, Syn.”
Syn grins, nudging my arm. “Entranced, huh? What is his name?”
“Justice. Beautiful, isn’t it?”
“Very. What does he look like?”
Smiling, I exhale as memories of his face rush back. “He’s gorgeous. Tan skin, big blue eyes, soft, curly hair. Dark brown or black. He’s small. Short but not terribly thin. He has some meat on his bones.”
“Sounds delightful. Do you plan to pursue him?”
“I shouldn’t. He obviously has some trauma to work through.”
“Fair enough, but when was the last time you were affected by a mortal?”
“Exactly. That in itself is worth investigating.”
“Maybe you’re right. I suppose it couldn’t hurt.”
“No.” He pats my thigh. “And I am a prime example of unexpected gifts from the universe. Be open to it. That’s my advice.”
“I’m always afraid to hope for what you and Midnight have found. I’ve wasted too many decades searching for love, pinning my hopes on every man I fancied, nursing my wounded pride when it all fell apart again. I don’t know if I can take any more.”
Syn nods. “Perhaps you won’t have to. There must be a reason this man is so compelling to you. Isn’t finding out why worth the risk?”
“You are a wise soul, Syn. I’m supposed to be the hopeless romantic amongst us.”
“I am no longer hopeless, my brother. I speak from experience now. Bowie is worth everything I had to go through to get to him. All of it.”
I nod as a flicker of hope blooms in my chest. “Thank you.”
I take my leave and walk back to my unit. It’s nearly morning now, so I’ll rest a bit and decide just how I plan to seek out Justice, and what I’ll say to him if given the opportunity.
Chapter Six
Back in my room after an intense day of deprogramming counseling, I collapse on my bed, exhausted. It’s not that I thought this would be easy—I didn’t—but tearing down every belief system you’ve ever had is intense.
Finding out that no one outside of the cult believes in the Supreme Being was my first revelation. I have doubted some of our teachings, obviously, or I wouldn’t have run, but hearing that the Supreme Being is just a corrupt man with a narcissistic need for power and control is very disruptive. Learning that there are literally thousands of religions and belief systems in the world is wild. It feels like everything that made me who I am is being stripped away. What will be left when all of it’s gone?
I rub my sternum to relieve the tightness, but it doesn’t help. How could my parents fall for something like this? They were on the outside before, so I don’t understand what drew them to believe in this guy. All the rules and rituals… I shake my head as my eyes cloud with tears. I’m so lost now. I don’t know what to believe in.