“What kind of concoction is that?”
Viv chuckles. “My most powerful healing salve yet, mixed with a bit of Yves’s blood. Try it. Cut your arm.”
Using my thumbnail, I cut a line into my forearm. Viv dips her finger in the bowl and drags some of the liquid over my wound, which sizzles and heals even faster than it normally would.
“Intriguing,” I murmur, twisting my arm back and forth.
“I wish I knew what it could do to a mortal. You vampires aren’t good examples.”
“I’m sure we could procure a mortal for you if necessary.”
She nods, smiling. “For now, I just want to see if it’s enough to help Hale fight off the injury. The stake clipped his heart. Hunter had bad aim.”
“It’s very concerning that there are vampire hunters amongst us. It’s been centuries since we’ve had to deal with this.”
“Yves was telling me about that,” she says, dabbing the cloth over Hale’s forehead. “I wonder how a human even became aware of your existence.”
“Same. It begs the question. I was thinking perhaps they were attacked but somehow survived.”
“That would make the most sense.”
“Except I’ve yet to meet a vampire who would allow their prey to survive.”
“Huh. Yeah.” Viv sits back in her chair, pulling one leg up and resting her arm on her knee. “Are you worried about it?”
I scoff. “No. Anyone foolish enough to come to New Onyx hunting vampires is in over their head. I’m certain Hale and Nathan must have been ambushed for an attack like that to even happen. It won’t happen a second time. We’ll find this hunter and take him out.”
“I wouldn’t fuck with the House of Orpheus,” Viv says, grinning.
“It’s not advisable.” I shift my gaze to the sick vampire. “Do you think he’ll pull through?”
Viv nods. “He will.”
“Good. I have questions only he can answer. How did you explain his appearance to Viper?”
“Glamour. I hid him behind it first. I have to talk to Yves about that. It’s obvious Viper is going to work out and stay with us. We should disclose it to her.”
I nod, thinking it over. “Yes, I suppose it’s time. She’s proven herself reliable and discreet.”
Viv nods, but her cheeks bloom bright pink. “She’s brilliant too. She knows so much and every spell or potion I show her, she grasps right away. I want to tell her what I am too.”
“She doesn’t know?”
“I think she’s suspicious. She’ll say things sometimes like she never knew this kind of magic was possible. She’s given me the opening, but she doesn’t push me.”
“She’s respectful. She’s too smart not to pick up on things around her.”
“I agree. I notice how her eyes linger on you guys sometimes, like she’s looking for clues.”
“Yes, you should talk to Yves.”
Viv nods, glancing at Hale as he settles down and seems to drift to sleep. “Good. The medicine is working. He needs to rest for his body to heal. I’ll bring Viper back to do some more energy work in the morning.”
“You like her, yes?”
“Of course. She’s my friend.” Her words are calm, but her flustered appearance and the uptick in her heartbeat give her away.
“That isn’t what I meant.”