Page 10 of Always Eros

I scream and fall back on my ass, looking up to see a man that is definitely not one from the car, but where did he come from out here? He looks concerned by my reaction, his brow creased. As I focus on him and the hand he has extended, I think that this man is, in no uncertain terms, an angel.

He must be, with his flowing blond hair, blue eyes so bright I can see them in the darkness, and features so perfect, only the creator could have made him.

“I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you. Let me help you up.”

I take his hand and allow him to help me off the ground. Standing closer to him, my breath catches in my throat. He is breathtaking.

“Are you an angel?” I ask.

The man chuckles. “Far from it. What are you doing out here alone?”

“I’m um, I’m lost, and these guys in a car were freaking me out a little, so I just ran.”

The man studies my face in a way that sends a shiver through me. Like he can see so much more of me than what I’m showing.

“I know the city well. I can get you where you’re going. I’m Eros.”

“Eros. That’s mythological. I studied it.”

“I am not the god of love.” He smiles.

“No, of course not. They don’t exist.”

“What is your name?”


“Justice,” he whispers. “Where are you trying to go?”

I hand him the paper with the address scrawled on it. “It’s a safe house. I need to get there.”

“A safe house? Are you in danger?”

“Kind of. I shouldn’t tell you about it though. The less you know, the better.”

“I’d rather you tell me. I assure you that I can protect you.”

“Um…” I glance around, but we’re surrounded by darkness. Something in me though is drawn to this man, so I nod. “I ran away from home tonight. It’s um…” I blow out a breath as my chest tightens with shame. “It’s a cult.”

Eros nods, his face relaxing. “A cult.”

“They might look for me. This safe house is a place people like me can go. They’ll help me get established and learn about the real world.”

Eros looks down at the paper, and I wonder how he can read it in the dark, but when he looks up, a wave of warmth spreads through me. Like the way hot chocolate feels going down your throat.

“You’re far from your destination. Give me a moment and I will take you there.”


“You’re safe here. I’ll be right back.”

“I’ll stay here.”

Eros tears off through the trees, leaving me in the darkness with only the sound of rustling leaves around me. I twist around as I lean against the tree, but before I can even think too hard, Eros is back.

“That was quick.”

He smiles. “Follow me.”