Page 104 of Always Eros

“What’s going on?” I ask, perched on Eros’s lap.

“Don’t know, but I’m sure we’ll find out.”

“It must be something,” Bowie says. “I can feel Syn’s tension from here.”

“We all can,” Thorn says with a bored tone. “But Syn and Midnight often act like Yves can’t take care of himself.”

“Is it that, or are they just nosy?” Raphael asks with a chuckle.

Thorn shrugs. “Good point.”

Yves and the others are back just a few seconds later. Yves’s face is hard with tension. “That was our dear friend Dimas.”

Syn scoffs, sitting in his seat and pulling Bowie onto his lap. Tru drapes himself around his man’s shoulders from behind.

“What happened?” Raphael asks.

“He met up with some vamps from London,” Yves starts. “They said there’s been some hunting activity going on and there’s at least one group on the East Coast.”

“Hunting activity?” I ask.

“Vampire hunters,” Syn growls. “I thought those died out long ago.”

“Seems there’s been a resurgence,” Yves says.

“Which can only mean one thing,” Thorn says. “Someone saw one.”

“Exactly,” Yves agrees.

“What does that mean for us?” I ask.

“Hopefully nothing,” Yves answers. “But we need to be on alert among strangers and on the lookout for any unusual activity. I’ll alert our friends tomorrow.”

Eros rubs my back. “Don’t worry, darling. If hunters come to New Onyx, they’ll wish they hadn’t. We’ve been hunted before and survived it.”

“Why would they hunt vampires who aren’t doing anything to them?”

“They hate us for merely existing,” Thorn says. “They see us as abominations and a threat to humankind. Not entirely inaccurate.”

“And unfortunately,” Midnight says. “Not all vampires are discerning and savor life. They kill to eat like uncivilized beasts. They give us all a bad name.”

“We’re not exactly saints,” Eros says. “But we kill with purpose.”

I nod, absorbing the information. I’ve been out with Eros and the guys on some of their jobs, and while it definitely didn’t freak me out like I thought it would, it’s not for me. I guess I’m still a gentle soul on the inside.

“And I love that about you,” Eros says, kissing my neck.

I tangle my fingers in his hair, leaning in to kiss his cheek. “Just be safe out there.”


“On that note,” Raphael says, standing. “I spy a sweet little twink just waiting for my bite.”

I follow his gaze to see a man who just entered the club. He looks a little lost, but when his eyes settle on Raphael, a bright smile pulls at his lips. It takes Raphael only a few seconds to lead the pretty man to the back where the private rooms are.

“Gods, Raph is finally getting laid,” Thorn says, slamming back his cocktail. “Think I’ll follow his lead.”

And he’s off, disappearing into the throng of bodies on the dance floor.