Page 69 of Always Eros

“Eros, what are you doing here?”

“I had to see you. It’s important.”

Carina turns to me, her arms folded across her chest, her expression tight. “Do you want to speak to him?”

I nod. “Please. Thank you.”

“Fine. Outside please.”

“Of course.”

The guys release Eros and he hurries over to me. I put my hand up to stop him though.

“You shouldn’t have come here without telling me. You could traumatize someone.”

Eros frowns. “Shit. I’m sorry. I didn’t think of that.”

“Alright, let’s go outside.”

I take him by the wrist and drag him through the dining room and out the sliding doors to the garden. Fortunately, the spot under the tree is open, so I lead us that way.

“What’s so important?”

“You have to come back with me. It’s the only way I can protect you.”

“I don’t feel comfortable with that, and I’m perfectly safe here.”

“Are you?” He narrows his eyes. “It took nothing for me to get past the security, and we both know I could have freed myself if I wanted to.”

I nod, leaning against the tree. “I know, but why would anyone come here?”

Eros steps closer, his eyes searching my face, and the longer I look into his, the more I’m drawn to him. My resolve is melting away, but I blink and tear my eyes away.

“I need more time.”

“Justice,” Eros says, his voice soft as he delicately touches my cheek. “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t think it was necessary. I was committed to giving you the space you needed, but I learned information this morning that cannot be ignored. Please. I would stake my own heart if something happened to you.”

“That’s very sweet, if not a little dramatic, but I feel safe here.” The look on his face sends a shiver of foreboding through me. “Are you mad?”

“No.” He rubs the back of his neck. “I could force you, Justice, but I don’t want to. I want you to believe me and trust me. This isn’t something Carina can protect you from. Please. Once I know it’s safe, I’ll bring you right back here if that’s what you want.”

The seriousness of his tones move me, erasing the rest of my resolve. He believes in this so I guess I should too. I lift my eyes to him. “Okay.”

Eros nods, his expression softening. “I know this is a lot. I’m a lot. But you have to understand, you have nothing to fear from me. I would never harm you. I…” He pauses, shaking his head. “In time you’ll come to understand what you mean to me.”

“You barely know me.”

“You’re wrong.” He lifts my hand and kisses my fingers. “Just please try to trust me if you can. If I thought you were safe here, I would leave you here far away from anything else, but I have concerns.”

“No one here would hurt me, Eros.”

“No, the threat is from outside. Please, come with me and I’ll explain everything.”

“Yeah, okay.” I look up at the house to see Carina watching from the patio doors. “Let me talk to Carina. Can you meet me out front?”


I watch Eros slip away before walking back to face Carina. She opens the door for me, but she’s obviously waiting for me to say something.