Smiling, I nod. “You don’t have to worry about me. I assure you that any bad guys out there have more to worry about than I do.”
“Even vampires?”
“Even vampires.” I kiss his forehead. “Be well, sweetheart.”
His face lights up. “You too, Eros.”
I leap from the window down to the ground, tearing off into the night. His words linger with me. Maybe we really were supposed to meet. If we were, I pray fate is kind to me and lets me keep him.
Chapter Twelve
By morning, I’m still on cloud nine after Eros’s visit last night. Sitting in the breakfast room, I find myself staring outside instead of eating my yogurt. I can’t believe my luck in stumbling across a man like him so soon after escaping.
My attention returns when Carina enters the room. I pop up from my seat and hurry over to her at the coffee station.
“Morning, Carina.”
She smiles brightly. “How are you, Justice? Acclimating so far?”
“Yeah, mostly. A lot to process.”
“Of course.”
“I was wondering if we’re allowed to have visitors here.”
Her brow crinkles. “Visitors?”
“I met someone the night I escaped. A friend. I’d like to call him and let him know how I’m doing, but I wondered if he could visit me here.”
“I see.” She takes her mug of coffee and motions for me to follow her to a table.
I sit with her, but from her expression, I’m already guessing the answer is no.
“We like to provide as much freedom as we can here. We want it to feel like the real world.”
“There are many people here who are traumatized. They’ve been through physical and mental abuse. It could be triggering for them to see a stranger who isn’t from the cult here.”
“I understand. You said I could go out after a month, but am I able to go out sooner if I want to?”
“Yes.” She smiles again. “Again, we do our best to not restrict you. Our guidelines are based on experience and some people aren’t ready, but you do seem to be very resilient.”
“I don’t know about that. I just want him to know that I’m doing well.”
“By all means.”
“There’s a phone I can use?”
“Yes. In fact, we can move up the process to get you a cell phone so you can stay in touch with us should you need to while you’re out.”
“A cell phone?”
“Ah. You haven’t been through the technology seminar yet. It’s a small phone you can take with you everywhere you go.”
“Oh. I saw a disciple with something like that once. I thought maybe it was a radio until I realized he was talking to it.”