Page 100 of Always Eros

Callias kneels in front of a writhing, dying leader. “You took everything from me. Everything from so many of us. It was easy to taint your ‘holy vat’ as you call it. The blood you stole from innocents who believed in your cause. But look around you, Blood King. They turned on you and the others are dead. I will hunt every single one of them that you made and end them. You failed. Now, you die.”

“Ca-lli-as,” the blood king chokes out. “You… weren’t worthy.”

“And yet, I live. Enjoy the underworld. I hope you burn.”

Hale stands above him and brings down a thick wooden stake, driving it through the Supreme Being’s chest, who wails in agony. “That’s for Nathan.”

We watch, gathered around him, as he shrivels away before us. Justice leans against me, taking it all in, but I sense peace and relief coming from him.

When the blood king is nothing but a pile of ashes, Callias drops to his knees before Yves, tearing open his shirt to expose his chest. “My mission is complete,” he says. “I accept my punishment for my misdeeds.”

“Oh no,” Justice whispers. “Is Yves going to kill him?”

“I don’t honestly know. It’s what’s right for what he did, but only Yves knows what Yves is thinking.”

“Stand up, Callias,” Yves says.

“No. I wish to die now. I don’t belong in this world. I have no coven, no home. Just end me.”

“So dramatic,” Thorn says, rolling his eyes.

Syn steps forward. “You promised you would kill any vampire with the blood king’s essence. That means you would harm Hale and Justice. How do we trust you if we let you live?”

I clutch Justice closer to me.

Callias shakes his head, bowing it. “I was wrong. I didn’t understand it wasn’t voluntary. I know that now. I would never harm Hale or Justice. If there are others out there, others who plan to carry on the blood king’s cause, I will deal with them then.”

“So you do wish to live?” Yves asks.

Callias gazes up at Yves. “Honestly, I don’t know. I don’t know what this modern world has to offer me, but obviously vampires can thrive here.”

Yves turns his gaze to all of us. I am conflicted. Innocent vampires and at least one mortal have died because of him.

Midnight scoffs. Do innocent vampires even exist?

“What’s happening?” Justice asks.

Telepathic communication.

Justice’s eyes go big. “Whoa. That was cool.”

“I am your maker, remember.” I brush my thumb across his cheek. “I can do this with Yves because he is mine.”


“It is. If you were Yves, would you give Callias a chance?”

Justice twists his lips, thinking it over. “I think I’d let him go and trust him to keep his word. We could always find him again if he fucks up.”

Yves chuckles, obviously hearing our conversation. Callias does too, bowing his head.

“But we should ask Hale,” Justice adds. “He suffered the most because of Callias.”

“I agree with Justice,” Yves says aloud. “Hale, the decision is yours. Does Callias live or die?”

Hale glances at all of us and then closes his eyes for a second. When he opens them, he nods. “Whether you live or die will not bring Nathan back to me. I believe you are aware now of the mistakes you made.” He looks at Yves. “Callias can live.”

Yves nods. “We’ll release you, Callias, on your honor. Don’t prove me wrong, or I will hang your head in my study.”