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But he snorts. “You might be smart in your own ways, kid, but you’re dumb as fuck if you think I’m giving up any information. I spared you because you had your own. Spill yours first.”

“That’s fair.” I rub my palms against my jeans, blowing out a breath. “Dana—the FBI agent who fucked my boy Holden—has been working with us. We’re staying in this cool ass bunker that our grandfathers found way back in the day right now because our lives are supposedly in danger. Billie’s uncle tried to kidnap her. People are being murdered, and I’ve been fucking my way up the elite ladder for the past two years. Oh, and I learned my girlfriend is next in line to rule the Reaper chapter and she has to choose between me and my best friend to make it happen. Or have her dad somehow come back from the grave to take back control and turn this shit show around.”

He takes it all in for a moment before slowly chuckling. “That’s all?”

“No, that’s not all! I’m afraid she’s going to choose him and I’ll be left out in the cold. They’re my people, bro. I love them both.”

“I meant about what you know regarding the society. Your love life sounds fucking jacked up, and I don’t want to hear your bullshit drama.”

He leans forward and rubs his hand down his face before saying, “What I’m about to tell you is something you can probably find out on your own if you do some digging, but it sounds like neither of us have time for that, so here goes.

My family, believe it or not, was an elite family at the turn of the century. Hell, my grandfather helped find this society here in Reaper. We were next in line to rule, too, but that motherfucker Van—Holden’s grandpa, I assume—did some dirty dealings and our family’s company; our fucking legacy went belly-up. The Barrett name went bankrupt overnight.”

“Wait, wait, wait, you guys were an elite family? So, there were originally six families?” I ask, trying to piece everything together. “Nothing we’re finding mentions a sixth family.”

“Yeah, because they have erased us from the society’s history.”

“Then how are you still around?”

“We knew too much, Veradin. Haven’t you ever heard the saying—keep your friends close but your enemies closer? The society paid my family a hefty chunk of money to stay, even though we didn’t exactly have a choice. They promised us a life of luxury if we did one thing for them.”

I laugh, knowing where this is going because I was presented with the same choice once upon a time, too. “Yeah? And what was that?”

“Everything,” he answers without a hitch before he leans back and stares out at his garden.

I let it sink in for a second. The society wanted one thing from them, yet thatonething was everything. And they had to do it, didn’t they?

“But they’ve taken everything for too long and are now making a fucking fool out of my family’s name. So, how do we stop them?” he asks, turning his hard glare back on me.

I’m surprised and glad that he’s willing to help; for whatever personal reasons he might have. “We’re still trying to figure that out, but we won’t if you don’t let me go. I need to get back to the bunker to see if they’ve found anything out.”

He nods, chewing on the inside of his cheek as he silently ponders some things in his head. “This might sound crazy, but call me if you need anything from me. Even if that means you need my sister. I’ll—do whatever it takes to take these assholes down,” he rushes out as if it were almost too hard to say.

“Deal. And you call me if you find anything out on your end, too.”

We stand, exchanging a firm handshake. He snaps his fingers and the two gorillas who took out my ribs emerge from a set of French doors behind him. I’m about to get my ass kicked first though, aren’t I?

“Give this man back his phone and show him to the front door,” he pauses to glare at them, adding, “Without harming him.”

I blow out a breath when the short one hands me my phone, a blank expression on his face. The society might be using the Barrett’s as their enforcers, but it looks like they have their own, too. Money and power are something fucking else.

As I leave the Barrett’s mansion, the sumo-wrestlers hot on my trail, I think about what this new partnership means for all of us. Beau Barrett might intimidate the hell out of me, but I respect him, too. I always have.

Chapter 37


AsInervouslypaceback and forth through the bunker, I nearly chew the inside of my cheek raw. The boys left hours ago and we haven’t heard a single word from either of them. I’ve called and texted an unhealthy amount of times, withnothingin return.

“Why didn’t I go with them?” I shout, not expecting Dana to actually answer.

“Because it isn’t safe and—”

“It was a rhetorical question, Dana! Ya know, for being this big FBI agent, you sure are dense as fuck.”

Leaning back in her chair, she throws me a challenging glare and shakes her head. “Gettin’ dicked by two guys at once is scrambling your brains, little girl.” She grins as she puts a cigarette between her teeth, lighting it. “Imagine how you’re going to feel when the boys choose to be with each other, dumping your ass.”

I laugh. “Yeah? Sounds like someone is jealous and can’t stand to see me happy.” Marching over to the table, I slam my palms on the cool surface and tower over her. “I’m only going to say this once—my boys don’t want you, nor would theyevertouch you. What we have is something you’ll never understand, so don’t pretend like you do.”