Mrs. Fairfax cocks a knowing brow, smirking. “Actually, your mother is her godmother. It surprised me to come back to Reaper to find Billie not staying with you.”
“What?!” I ask through clenched teeth.
My fucking mother is Billie’s godmother?! How the fuck am I just hearing about this now? And Billie could have been staying here this entire time? What the shit, man?
“Get to the point, princess,” I snap, getting annoyed with her presence while also thinking about how I’m going to call my mom and tell her the fuck off.
“Her uncle is here for his own agenda, and probably won’t care about your precious girlfriend getting harmed in his path. And I also know the Barrett brothers have something to do with all of it.”
I hate how out of every fucking thing she just said, the word girlfriend makes my stomach feel fucking weird. But I wrap my mind around her words and ask, “So, what the hell do you need from me?”
Smiling, she says, “I need you to get in with the Barrett’s again, but make friends, not enemies. They know something about Reaper and all the elite families living here. They’ll know why Billie’s uncle is here, and what he plans on doing with her.”
“You want me to befriend the dudes I’m real enemies with? I’m not a fucking rat like you are, and the FBI isn’t paying me shit.” I look her up and down, disgust morphing my features. “Get the fuck off of my front step.”
She doesn’t move a muscle. Placing her hands on her hips, she challenges me with a hard glare. “I’m not leaving until you agree to help. Billie’s on board, and she can’t do this alone. Either you go into the Barrett’s den or I send her in. Make a fucking choice right now, Christian, or I will.”
My jaw tightens so hard I give myself a throbbing pain in both of my temples. She can kick rocks if she thinks I’ll ever let Billie near the Barrett brothers. I don’t care if this cock-sucking ankle bracelet chains me to my house. I’ll fucking go to jail to make sure she’s not anywhere near them. They don’t have a rough reputation for nothing. The things Zeke and I have planned for Billie are like rainbows and unicorns compared to what the Barrett brothers do to their girls.
“I’ll do it,” I say tightly.
Of course she’s grinning. The bitch just won, and no doubt has my nuts in her grips. Fuck, man.
“What about my buddy, Zeke? He knows the Barretts too and—”
“No, just you and Billie need to know about this. The less who know, the better. Just trust me, okay?” She looks over her shoulder nervously before adding, “I’ll be in touch, Christian. Don’t ghost me because I will find you.”
Why the hell can’t Zeke know? I don’t have time to ask because she’s halfway to her Tahoe by now, but then it hits me. “Hey! You said you were taking this thing off!” I shout after her, wiggling my ankle.
“You gotta prove you aren’t just yanking my chain. Once you prove you’re doing this,thenI’ll take it off.”
I groan. “But how am I supposed to befriend those fucks if I can’t even go see them?”
She grins back at me as she grabs the Tahoe handle. “Your first test will be here. I’ll be in touch,” she repeats before getting into the truck.
Great. I’ve agreed to do something probably illegal for the traitorous bitch, but I don’t care. If Billie is actually in danger, I don’t care what I have to do to make sure she’s safe.
“Who was that?” Zeke asks.
I whip around, finding him descending the stairs. “It was—” Shit, he’s not supposed to know about this, but what do I tell him? Fuck it, I’ll go with my original thought. “A delivery for my dad.”
“Hmm. So, we gonna do something or what?”
“Yeah, whatever,” I say with a shrug. “Let’s hang outside by the pool. I’m sick of my bedroom.”
And I also don’t want him in there for too long, thinking he might see something to tell him what I had done to Billie this morning. I can’t get her orgasmic expression out of my head, either. It’s going to be a tough afternoon if I have to hide this thick dick the whole time. Maybe I should get out of these sweats.
“Dude,thismotherfuckerneedsto be visited,” Zeke says, making me peel my eyes open.
We’ve been sitting out by the pool for a few hours now, basking in the sun and keeping to ourselves. This is the first time we’re speaking to each other. Mostly because I’ve covered my face with my arm and blocked any chance of conversation from happening. Because I know if I talked to him, we’d both be bloody and our fucking faces would hurt.
“Who are you talking about?”
He turns his phone towards me. “That little fuck from the valley—the one who thought he could get with our girl.”
I smile, liking how he referred to her asourgirl, and also because I was calling her that in my head earlier. Maybe we’re still on the same page after all.
Squinting my eyes, I see a picture of him and Billie at the pool hall the night we surprised them there. His post reads:Hittin’ some balls with this hottie.