They let prisoners out for a funeral these days? But then again, they’re not just regular prisoners—they’re a part of the society. Makes ya wonder how much power they actually have.
I jump when a hand grips my shoulder, but calm down the second I look up and into Holden’s gaze. He looks down at me with deep sorrow in his expression. Before my boys, Holden was mine, and we had something strong, even though he’ll deny it. He knows how close I was with my mom, and how bad this is hurting me right now; it’s written in the way he’s looking at me. I reach up and grab his hand, squeezing it back as I give him a single nod.
Everlee steps up and grabs my other shoulder. I cross my other arm over and take hers, too, sobbing when my boys grab my thighs. I’m surrounded by my new family, and even though I’m dying inside, I know they’ll be the ones to bring life back into it.
I let out another sob when Tiffany and Macy walk straight for me, each laying a single white rose in my lap. Tiffany leans forward and kisses my cheek before whispering, “I’m so sorry, honey. We’re all here when you need us.”
They move behind us, standing beside Holden and his wife.Nowmy family is here. And when I look back up at CJ and his mom, I see nothing but wicked hatred staring back. I’m going to need Dana to find out why they’re even here. Jett might be tied to our world because he’s the second son of Mr. Van, but who the hell are they? Jett’s cousin and his mom? It’s weird, right?
As I continue to look around, I see nothing but threats on the other side of the casket. We truly are all alone in this. We’re the next generation of rulers, but by the look on some of their faces, we might not even see any power.
And when the funeral is over and they lower my mother into the ground, I stay standing near the edge staring down at her. I have no clue how long I’ve been standing here, but there isn’t a single person left except for my boys, Holden, and Tiffany. Macy walked Everlee back to the car like ten minutes ago. I think.
I can’t make out much of what they’re talking about, but I got bits and pieces likehospital, mother-in-law, something important, go see her…I turn my head slightly, to peer through my hair in their direction. The boys have their back to me, and I notice Zeke handing Christian something discreetly, though I didn’t catch what it was.
They shake hands with Holden and hug Tiffany before they leave. My boys turn toward me, and I turn my head back so they don’t catch me watching them. I hear their footsteps come up behind me, nothing said when they stop. I stare back into the grave before I look up toward the wood line, feeling the cool mist hit my face. The storm clouds are brewing and it’s only a matter of minutes before it starts down pouring.
“I never want to feel this type of pain ever again,” I say just above a whisper, my voice cracking. “And I want it gone. I need you to both make me feel something else—”
Looking over my shoulder, I find them pulling on their masks: Michael Myers and Jason Vorhees. It’s a stark contrast with their tight, sharp all-black suits and ties. My heart jumps, sending excitement racing through my veins like a bolt of lightning just struck me.
They both step right up beside me, their shoulders barely brushing against mine. My breath hitches as I piece this together in my head. I wonder if they planned this or just hoped for it. Christian is trying to fulfill my wish, is he?
“Let me guess,” I say, licking my lips as I stare into the woods where I assume is our path. “I’m going to run, and you’re both going to chase me.” It’s not a question, but they reply as if it were.
“Yes,” Christian whispers.
“Mhmm,” Zeke moans.
A tingle runs up my spine when the mist turns into raindrops, pelting across my heated cheeks. I don’t need to know if they planned this or not, I’m just thankful my boys knew exactly what I needed. Love bites, but so do I.
“Run,” Christian demands in a deep, gravely tone.
So, I do, maneuvering around the gravestones as I take off toward the woods. I almost slip and crack my head open a few times as the wet grass turns to ice, but I make it into the woods unscathed.
“Shit!” I curse out when I trip after only making it a foot, landing hard on the forest floor. My knee screams in pain as I look down and see the rock beneath it.
But I get up and push on, especially when I look over my shoulder and see the boys stalking toward me through the cemetery. A jolt of excited panic races through me as I let out a shriek and run faster. I’m in a fit of crazed giggles as I go deeper and deeper into the woods. The sound of their taunts echoes through the denseness, and it makes it nearly impossible to guess how close they might be.
The rain is coming down harder now, a deep rumble of thunder follows a bright strike of lightning. There is so much energy in the atmosphere right now, making me feel better already.
“Oooh, little hellfire!” Christian sing-songs, and I scream.
He’s so close!I take my black stilettos off and leave them on the forest floor, running much faster on bare feet. But as soon as I grab the base of a massive oak to turn direction, I slam right into Zeke in his Jason mask.
My scream echoes through the forest as he wraps an arm around my neck and spins me so my back’s against his chest. Then he slams me up against the oak and presses into my ass. I feel his dick growing against my cheeks, his other hand sliding up my thigh before groping my hip.
“You wanna see what kind of pain I can inflict on you, little girl? Huh?” he rasps through the mask against my face.
I whimper, nodding. “Please. I need to feel it. Make me fucking scream.”
He leans away from me and yanks the tie off from around his neck. I cry out when he turns me around so fast, my equilibrium gets off.
“Hold your hands out,” he instructs.
And when I don’t, he slaps my face and then roughly yanks my hands in front of me. The assertiveness makes my pussy clench, excitement coursing through me and hardening my nipples.
I watch him tie my wrists together with his black tie before he brings them up to his mask-covered mouth, kissing behind it. We stare deep into each other’s eyes as he undoes his slacks, the jangle of his belt clinging around us.