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Fear twists my insides as we sit back, my gaze wildly dancing across her face as I try to settle my scattered thoughts. “Sounds like we might both be dead anyway. Why didn’t you ever tell me about it? I just assumed that this life would be forced upon me because of bloodlines after the old photograph we found, but…”

“I couldn’t tell you anything. None of us were supposed to say a word. We still aren’t.”

I scoff. “Are you seriously going to sit here and continue to be loyal to a society that’s letting you rot behind bars? They didn’t fight for you once, Mom. Why are you—”

“Because I’m protecting you,” she hisses, cutting me off. “Everything I do is to protect you.”

I’m having a hard time believing that because even though her intentions are pure, she still has to answer to the society at the end of the day. And then I think about what Mr. Van has done to his family in the name of the society, wondering if my mom would kill me or—the blood drains from my face when I think about my dad.

“You’ve never told me about my father or what happened to him. I think now is as good of a time as ever, don’t you?”

She sits further back, eyeing me from across the table with uncertainty and challenge swimming in her eyes. “Knowing who your father is, is unimportant, Billie. You’re a Lucas—that’s all you need to know. In fact, I can’t tell you anything about him in fear it might put him in danger.”

Something changes in her expression; something I’ve probably had on my face a time or two when it involves my boys. She actually loved my father—whoever he was.

“Whatcanyou tell me, Mom?”

Looking over at me, she blows out an exasperated sigh, still contemplating just exactly what she can say. “The lineage is very important to them. And the pact that was made upon transfer of power is set in literal blood. The Van’s are at the top of the pyramid, then it’s your father’s line—the Lucas’—, the Veradins, the Lungrens, and finally the Fairfax’s. When our generation took over, they offered you on a silver platter to Holden. You two were together for quite some time so nobody batted an eye. Then he started dating Lauren andtheyallowed it.”

I’m surprised by this. “So, I was always meant to be with Holden and not my boys?”

She tenses at the way I refer to Christian and Zeke, but it’s true—they are my boys. “Something like that. But the kid went rogue and chose the girl from the valley. They were not happy. At all. Their eyes turned to our family as we’re the second in line. And now the families beneath us are fighting for your hand in marriage to their son.” She tucks a piece of hair behind her ear, looking empathetic when she looks in my eyes. “Yourboysare probably not all that interested in you, but their fathers are.”

I shake my head, scoffing. “No, you have no idea what you’re talking about. They love me. This isn’t some patriarchal shit show, Mom. They—”

“Have planned everything from the day you were born, sweetheart.”

Tears blur my vision again as I angrily wipe them away. “But Mr. Veradin is in power right now. What do they need with me?”

“That’s a temporary power shift, honey. Mr. Van and I are both incarcerated… You’re the next to rule upon graduation, but you can’t receive that power until you choose a husband.”

I don’t want to believe a thing she’s saying, but I have to because I know deep in my heart it’s the truth. They bullied me because of what Mr. Veradin and the society ultimately wanted. They wanted me to be their pet—to make me fall for them until I chose between them.

“But Christian is no longer a plausible choice, so that leaves Zeke Lungren. Honey, you’re playing with fire. If you get knocked up and it’s Christian’s child, they’ll force you to abort and—”

“Whoa, hold on…” I hold my hand up, letting her bombshell aftershocks simmer down. “Why isn’t he a plausible choice? According to you, his family is below ours. Not that I don’t want Zeke. Hell, I want them both. What happens then?”

“You can choose them both all you want, but the only connection that will mean anything to them is the one you have with Zeke. Baby, Christian is tainted. He’ll never be pure enough for them.”

I’m angry. The emotion rips through me with such a wicked force, I feel the veins in my temple start to throb. “He’s only tainted becausetheymade him that way,” I say through clenched teeth. “His father and the society made him do all those things. To me, he’s perfect.”

I stand abruptly, crossing my arms over my chest.

“I’m ready to leave, Officer,” I say, turning my attention to the man in the corner.

“Billie,” Mom hisses. “Sit down. We’re not finished here.”

But I’m too upset right now, continuing toward the exit, unable to look at her because I’m so fucking angry. She’s kept things and lied to me my entire life. And then turns around and continues to show loyalty to a society that runs her entire life. The same society that made her lose the love of her life. The same society that’s trying to decide my entire future, too.

Well, I won’t let them. And I know my boys won’t either, so that only leaves Lauren Fairfax left in the lineage. With Holden’s help, I think we can win her over, too.

The society ends with us.

Chapter 33


“So,listen,dude…Ithink when we get back to the bunker, we figure out exactly what it is Dana wants from us. That bitch has the upper hand right now.”