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“And you lived among this community for what… seventeen years? I don’t understand why you didn’t take anyone downbeforeMrs. Van died. Or right after? She had been gone for a few years before you took everyone down. And then to find out you were fucking Holden? Who was not only supposed to be dating your daughter but also fucking me, too?” I’m huffing by the time I get to the end of my explosion. My hands shake in my lap as I try to calm the anger racing through me.

“I wanted to take everyone down sooner, but I have a boss to answer to, and he told me not to move until he said so. And I have nothing to say about Holden.”

My gaze whips over to her, noticing an expression of sadness on her features before she takes a deep breath and smiles over at me. It’s a total change, but I won’t ask her about it. I know what it’s like to be with Holden and then to not have him. I may never know what happened between these two, but I understand the pain. Holden Van was one of those guys who made you feel you were on top of the world because he chose you. I often wonder if Everlee feels like that every single day, especially being the one he married and made his forever. The girl has to be on cloud nine.

“Listen, I’m not going to pretend we’re okay, but I got in your vehicle for a reason. What did you mean when you said I was in danger?”

She pulls into an empty-ish parking lot and puts the Tahoe in park before reaching into the back to bring up a thick folder. Taking some documents out, she hands them to me and gives me a second to glance through them.

I don’t fully understand what I’m looking at, but I do recognize my uncle’s name in several places. “What is this?”

“That’s my next assignment, but I’m not doing this undercover anymore, for obvious reasons. However, you’re the only one who can get close enough to him to incriminate him.”

The last conversation I had with my abusive uncle was him telling me I now had a curfew and that I had to follow all of his rules. I haven’t been home since, and honestly, I’m quite surprised he hasn’t come after me yet. I’m glad he hasn’t, though.

“I don’t exactly stay at my house anymore. How am I supposed to help you?”

She pulls a small battery looking thing from her purse and holds her palm open to show me. “I need you to place this wherever he does most of his work and phone calls—an office, his bedroom.”

“So he can find it and kill me?”

“Not on my watch.”

“Yeah? And how well did that work out for Mrs. Van, huh?” I ask, rolling my eyes.

“What happened to Mrs. Van was out of my control until it wasn’t,” she snaps. “Don’t judge my actions based on shit you don’t understand, Billie. You haven’t even seen what life can do to you yet.”

I’ve clearly poked the bear, and I don’t give a fuck. She pisses me off on so many levels, it’s not even funny. But she’s right only because I know what it’s like to be judged for what others see and not what the truth is.

“And what happens if I can successfully plant this in his space?” I ask instead.

“We need him to incriminate himself. He’s back here for a reason, and I’m pretty sure you know it has nothing to do with making sure you’re okay. No, he’s after something more powerful. They kicked him out of Reaper after he graduated and went off to college. He’s been banned, but now he’s back, since all those who were keeping him out are in jail.”

My brows pinch together as I let her words sink in. “Why was he banned?”

“That’s what I’m still trying to find out. I think he’s working with the Barretts, but I can’t prove it yet. I need a way into the Barrett family circle and you’re going to help me with that, too.”

I laugh incredulously. “And how the hell do you think I’m going to help you with that? I don’t mess with the Barretts. They’re ruthless and—”

“You can’t, but your little boyfriend can.”

My mind immediately pictures Zeke as I shake my head. “Zeke doesn’t speak to them.”

“Christian does. I can remove that ankle bracelet if youbothagree to work with me.”

I swallow the nervous lump blocking my airway before I ask, “And what about Zeke?”

She’s the one laughing now. “Two guys? I like your style, darlin’, but this is for you and Christian only. The less who know about this, the better. So boyfriend number two will have to be left in the dark.”

The guys are already lying to each other, but I don’t know if I can add to that mix. And if me and Christian are in a lie together, and Zeke ever finds out, he’ll totally kick us both to the curb, won’t he? The thought makes my stomach hurt. I like Zeke—a lot. And the idea of hurting him isn’t okay with me.

“There’s no other way?” I ask, hopeful there is.

But she shakes her head. “No, otherwise we wouldn’t be here. I know I’m asking a lot from you, but if you do this for me, I’ll do something for you in return.”

My mom’s face pops into my head, and my spine straightens. “You can get my mom out?”

She nods. “Yeah, I can, but I need you to do this first. I’m not running a charity around here.”