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“I’ve been trying to call the three of you for the last hour! What the fuck have you been doing out there?” she asks, scolding us like she’s our mother—not even close, bitch.

Christian chuckles. “Does our appearance not give anything away? What’s your problem?”

“My problem? Is that we’re about to lose this investigation and you’re both out there fucking your girlfriend like you’re a couple of psychopath rapists!” she’s shouting, throwing her hands around wildly.

Usually I let Christian handle this bitch, but I’ve just about had it—my stress levels at an all-time high. I march forward and get right in her face.

“You fucking cunt. This isyourinvestigation—one that hasn’t been solved in over fifteen years, or for however long you’ve been on it. So, don’t blame some teenagers because you suck at your job. And when you open your trap again, you’re going to apologize to Billie for being a bitch. Her mother was just fucking murdered, and she needed a moment to feel alive again after burying her.”

She says nothing at first, opening and closing her mouth several times before she glances around my shoulder. “I’m sorry, Billie, but I just got some information that I think is going to break this shit wide open.”

I hate what she said, but after apologizing, I’ll fucking give it to her for now. “Tell us.”

“While you two were chasing—” She holds up her hand when I give her my death glare. “Sorry. Anyway, I spoke to Frederic Fairfax while I waited. He seems to think Patrick is next in line to take power, and that your father is just a distraction, Christian.”

“Why would they give power to that fuck hole? Isn’t he supposed to be excommunicated?” I inquire.

Dana nods and shrugs. “Yeah, that’s what I assumed, but Frederic believes it’s because Patrick’s son was promised to Billie in a blood oath when they were born.”

I step aside and whip my glare to Christian and Billie. She looks like she’s about to be sick as he pulls her into his arms.

“They promised me to my cousin?” Billie asks, her face turning white.What fucking cousin are they talking about because I don’t have any cousins…

“Yes,” Dana answers right away.

It’s disgusting, something that’s illegal as far as I know. And something that won’t happen—over my dead fucking body!

“The society doesn’t care about blood relations, Billie. They only care about power and control,” Dana says matter-of-factly. “We have to stop the transition of power or you’re fucked.”

“So, how do we stop it?” Christian asks, adding, “And when and where would this transition even take place?”

I’m wracking through my thoughts, wondering where something important like this might take place. Perhaps in the basement at the academy? Seems unlikely. Maybe at the Lucas residence? Seems too obvious.

“We’re still trying to figure that out,” she says, pulling up her phone. “But I need to get you three back to the bunker so I can go do some investigative research.”

We don’t argue, all piling into the SUV without another word. Billie sits between us again while Dana cranks up the heat. I wonder if my parents would know anything about what’s going on. Maybe they’ll know where the society is going to hold the change of power ceremony. We left our phones back at the bunker, though, out of respect for the funeral service. It’s another reason why Dana wasn’t able to get a hold of us.

“We gotta freshen up and head to the hospital, too,” Christian says so only we can hear him in the backseat.

I nod, recalling what Holden told us about Everlee’s mom. When he said she had something about the autopsy, it reminded me how crazy fast this all happened. She was murdered, brought to the hospital, and then buried within 48 hours? It was done too quickly for it to be legit. Patrick was in charge of it all and pointed a flashing arrow right at him.

“What’s at the hospital?” Billie asks the second we’re in the bunker alone.

“Everlee’s mom runs the morgue now, right? Well, she asked Everlee to pass along to you that she’d like to speak with you,” Christian answers, shrugging out of his wet, muddy button up. “We think it has to do with your mom’s autopsy and Patrick pushing her burial through so quickly.”

“But we don’t know that for sure. That’s why we need to get over there,” I add, kicking out of my heavy sopping wet dress shoes.

Billie hurries to the bedrooms, her cute little butt peeking out from the bottom of Christian’s suit jacket. We follow her, pulling our clothes off as we go. We’re all nude, our eyes dancing over the other’s bodies. I love the way Billie’s cheeks tint pink when she’s excited, her lips parting when her gaze goes from my cock to Christian’s.

He walks up to her and grabs her chin, tilting her head back so he can kiss the tip of her nose. “We’ll make sure you’re taken care of, little hellfire, but we really need to get up to the hospital.”

I never thought I’d see the day where Christian chose his priorities over sex, but here we are. He’s right, though, we need to get our asses up there before someone catches wind of Everlee’s mom knowing something. No showers for us yet, but Billie tries to make her hair look presentable, with a low bun at the base of her skull. It works.

After I dress into something clean and dry, I sit on the edge of the bed and pull on fresh socks. Billie’s dressed in a little sundress that shows her ass when she bends over, and I don’t know how much I like her wearing it.

Grabbing her wrist, I tug her toward me and grab her throat. She peers down at me, a flash of surprised shock swimming through her gaze.

“Don’t bend over, Billie. Nobody gets to see you but us,” I warn.