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But his question only makes me chuckle. “Sounds like someone is still sour over everything that went down. Though you were the one who made the decisions that put you behind bars. Not me.”

He snorts, turning his hard glare on me as his expression morphs to pure disgust. “And you were an undercover FBI agent who was fucking her daughter’s boyfriend while getting intel on our family and community. I hope you burn in hell.”

“I’m sorry you feel that way, Frederic,” I say with a smirk on my lips. “And it’s too bad I don’t believe in hell, but don’t worry, I’m sure karma will come back to bite me in the ass. But until then, I need your help.”

Throwing his head back, he lets out a guffaw and then tells me to go fuck myself before spitting on the floor at my feet.

“Listen, asshole, I’m the only one who can help you. And I’m in the business where when you scratch my back, I scratch yours.”

“And I’ll still tell you to go fuck yourself.”

I sigh, shaking my head. “Ya know what? Fuck it. We’ll just let Veradin run this chapter into the ground and—”

“Why the fuck is Veradin in charge?” he asks through clenched teeth, and now I know I’ve got him.

With a smirk, I ask, “You didn’t know?”

He shakes his head back at me. “If you haven’t noticed, I’m in prison, you bitch. No, I knew nothing about this. But I can promise you it’s the worst thing that could happen.”

“Why?” I urge.

“Because if the society has put Veradin in charge, it means they’re distracting everyone until the next ruler can step forward.”

“Who’s the next ruler?”

He shrugs. “The only other person who’s left standing now would be Patrick, but I don’t think—”

“He’s back in town, Frederic.”

At first, he says nothing, shock morphing into his face as the wheels behind his eyes are turning with the information I’ve just given him. “If he’s back in town, it’s only a matter of time before he’s in power.”

“But I thought they excommunicated him. Why would they allow someone like him to rule?”

He laughs. “You just don’t get it, do you? The society doesn’t actually give a fuck who’s ruling. All they care about is whether or not the ruler is on their side—easily controllable with power and money. And a guy like Patrick will doanythingto gain some power in our world. What better candidate, right?” he rubs his bound hands over his face, blowing out a breath. “Veradin is a distraction until Patrick can be sworn in, but he has to sacrifice something in order to return to power. Tell me Billie is fine.”

I nod. “Yeah, she’s in my custody; don’t worry about her. Tell me why Patrick was excommunicated in the first place…”

“The guy is a loose cannon, that’s why. He was angry when he turned eighteen and realized he was nowhere near the top of the list to rule our chapter. So, he tried to forcibly marry a high-ranking daughter—a Van, if you can imagine that—but it backfired when he drugged her. The girl overdosed and died. I’m surprised the Van’s didn’t kill him, but there are still laws we have to follow. The society thought excommunicating him would be the best route.”

“With Van incarcerated and the rightful Lucas being dead, it leaves Patrick in the perfect position to take over. Plus, it allows his son to be next in line—the son who was promised to Billie in a blood oath the year they were both born.”

“Wait… what?! Who’s his son?”

The officer bangs on the glass window and yanks the door open, pulling me out.

“Hold on! We’re not finished! Who’s his son, Frederic?!”

But I don’t get an answer when the officer slams the door shut and pulls me away. “I gave you ten minutes, Witt. Time’s up.”

I curse the entire way back to the SUV, pulling out my phone to call Christian. They could be literally balls deep right now, but I don’t care. I’ve just received some insane details and we need to act fast. With Lucille being dead, it’s only a matter of time before power is transferred to Patrick, and I have a terrible feeling that something wicked will happen to them if we don’t stop it.

Chapter 42


Whenweleavetheforest, our clothes—or what’s left of them—are completely fucked. Billie’s clothes remain lying somewhere in the woods while she wears Christian’s suit jacket. I don’t even know where the fuck mine is. She’s wearing my Jason mask on the top of her head to help hold her wild hair back, but I think it’s sexy as fuck. A naked Billie in nothing but a jacket and a mask? Yes, please.

We’re all in desperate need of a hot shower and fresh clothes, but when we cross the cemetery and find Dana leaning against the SUV with her arms across her chest, I realize we might not get it.