Page 6 of Jasha's Baby

When he does enter me, I instantly realize why. His girth is almost impossible to handle at first, stretching me far past what I’m used to. I grip the sheets, soaking them in sweat from my palms as he slowly eases himself in.

“There’s a good girl. Take it all,” he says, moving slowly, but never pausing as he sinks into me.

I breathe deeply, focusing my eyes on the blank wall ahead and trying to keep myself from being too loud as he buries his manhood inside of me. I moan, but I close my mouth to stop it.

No luck. Once he pulls halfway out and thrusts for the first time, I scream.

He chuckles, slowing down. “Too much for you?”

I refuse to give him that kind of satisfaction. I fear what it would do to his ego if I admitted that I he was so big that I simply couldn’t have sex with him. He’d never stop bragging about it.

“I’m fine,” I say, but that’s far from the truth.

Thankfully, as he continues to move again, pleasure replaces the overwhelming stretching sensation, and his cock slides inside of me more easily. My body adapts to him, but I’d be ruined for anyone else. Never again will I be able to take a man smaller than him.

It would just feel… inadequate.

Jasha’s hands are warm on my skin as he grabs my waist and thrusts harder. With every movement of his powerful hips, he gains energy and aggression. Soon, he’s fucking me so hard that reality begins to blend in with the colors dancing across my vision, and I’m hurled into a world that seems to walk a tightrope between pure bliss and regret.

I already know he’s going to cum inside me. It’s so wrong to do without a condom, but I don’t want it anywhere but deep in my body.

Suddenly, he pulls out, and I anticipate a shower of warm cum across my back, but he doesn’t release himself over me yet. Instead, he flips me over, pulling me closer to the edge of the bed and lifting my legs.

“I want to look into your eyes when I fill you up,” he says.

Something inside me falls apart, a barrier that didn’t allow me to release myself to a stranger completely. It dissolves at his words, sending me into another mind-numbing orgasm as he pushes back inside of me.

His hands are all over me as I lose myself to the tremendous corporeal bliss. My throat tightens as his fingers squeeze it, cutting off my breath and denying my brain oxygen until the room fades to grey.

I grab his hand, pulling his hand harder against my neck until I lose the strength to encourage such punishment, and my hands fall to either side of me. He lets go, slapping me in the face lightly.

Blood rushes to my head, filling every vein and vessel until my face is pulsating with a pleasant swell of heat. The air tastes like cold water in the middle of the night, and I suck it into my lungs like I’ve been born again.

My body aches with pleasure as Jasha leans back, pumping his hips and groaning deep in his chest. I watch his immaculate muscles move, the fibers twitching beneath his polished tan skin like every atom in his body is working together to breed me.

A sense of awe washes over me as his expression transforms into a twisted desperation at the edge of completion before he collapses on top of me, filling me with his seed. I hug him as he empties himself inside of me, his throbbing cock pushing deep, hoping to discover a place inside me that no other man has been able to touch.

I wrap my legs around his narrow waist, pressing him in, guiding his cock as deep as it will go. Our heartbeats unify, and for just under a minute, everything is right in the world.

And then Jasha pulls himself off of me, leaving me in a pool of cold sweat on my bed.

He’s already fully dressed by the time I’m able to sit up.

“I hope you’re not leaving already,” I say, my heart sinking as he slides the end of his belt through the loops in his trousers.

“Can’t stick around forever,” he replies, “But call me if you’re ever in Texas. I’ll give you my number.”

I assumed this would be a one and done type of deal, but getting his phone number gives me hope that we could be something more. It’s a foolish thought, fueled only by the euphoric afterglow of incredible sex, but it makes me feel better about what we just did.

Sometimes, a lovely lie is better than the cold, hard truth.

“Here,” Jasha says, pulling a black card from his back pocket with nothing but a phone number on it. “I’m easier to reach by text.”

I don’t know whether to thank him or to be annoyed at him for leaving so soon, but I don’t have the chance to do anything before he disappears from the room. A moment later, I hear the front door close.

And I’m left naked and alone.