“Because if anyone else does, I’ll fucking kill them.”
“Just ask her,” he encourages.
“Jen’s coming with me, and I have to go to hers.”
“Hang up a second.” Liam lifts both his hands and rakes his fingers through his hair. “You want me to ask Kathryn so no one else can ask her, but you’ll be at the prom—on a date—with Jennifer Marshall? Did I get that right?”
“Essentially. But we’re only going to each other’s prom because we have to. And besides, I trust you with my life, Liam, and I know you wouldn’t move in on Kathryn. I just want to make sure the sharks don’t circle.”
“There’s a problem with your plan.”
“Which is?”
“Kathryn’s not a problem at all.”
“How many times have you spoken to her?”
“Enough,” I say.
“She’s been here now for what, three or four months?” I nod. “And she won’t give you the time of day.”
“I’m wearing her down.”
It’s Liam’s turn to laugh. He looks over his shoulder and watches Kathryn and Justine. “Dude,” he starts. “I’ll ask her, but I doubt she’ll accept.”
Kathryn and Justine have now got their lunches and are walking toward us. I jump to my feet and stand to my full height. “Make it work,” I say to Liam before walking over toward the girls. “Care to join us for lunch?” I ask them as I pointedly turn toward Liam.
Kathryn casts a wary eye over my body and smiles. “I have some private things to discuss with Justine, so, no thank you.”
“You do?” Justine’s brows lift in surprise.
“I do.” Kathryn’s eyes are locked on mine, silently begging me to challenge her.
“One day,” I say as I take a step back. “You’re going to have to say yes.”
She half shrugs and winks at me. She’s so cheeky. “Keep holding your breath, Bennett.” My name on her tongue makes my cock twitch and my heart quicken.
I head back to Liam and sit opposite him. “Shot down, again. Aren’t you sick of her rejecting you?”
I look at my beautiful girl and smirk. “I’m going to marry her.”
“You poor bastard,” Liam says and snorts with a condescending laugh. I turn to focus on him and lift my hands in question. “Your parents are going to have your balls if they ever find out how in love you are with someone who’s not their pick.”
“My balls will remain intact and I will marry Kathryn. I don’t care what my parents have to say.”
“Please let me be there for that conversation. It’ll make for a good eulogy.”
I intake a deep breath as I turn to look at my girl once more.
Kathryn really is...perfect.
The limousine pulls up to the Marshall’s home, and I take a moment to compose myself. I’m not nervous, more like uncomfortable at the deception Jen and I have to pull off. I get out of the car and walk to their front door. I knock once, and the door opens almost immediately.