“Stanford will get me where I want to go.”
“Which is?” he repeats.
“1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.”
Dad keeps a wary eye on me as he lifts his chin and arches a brow. “Is that why you’ve been holed up in your room working so hard on your grades, so you can move to Stanford?”
“Yes, I want this. I want it more than I’ve ever wanted anything before.” Besides, Kathryn is waiting for me.
“California is already a blue state, what good could you do there? It would be better to migrate down to Florida.”
“Because it’s a swing state?”
“Yeah. If you want to make a smart move, the smartest is to hit Florida.”
“The smart move is to get into Stanford, which I have, and to graduate summa cum laude. Which I know I can do.”
Dad’s jaw jumps and he flicks a look to Mom. “What do you think?”
Mom slowly lifts her shoulders. “I think Bennett can do anything he wants, especially with your support. But I also think he’s already set his mind to it, and so he’s going to do it regardless of what you think.”
I turn to face Mom and give her a small smile. “I want this, Dad.” But I want Kathryn by my side, not Jen. And I can’t do it considering my heart is already across the other side of the country with Kathryn. “If Yale is so important to you, then I guess I have no other option but to stay. But, it’s important to me to go to Stanford.”
Dad’s nostrils flare as he releases a frustrated breath. “Stanford’s that important that you’ll disregard family tradition?” He’s attempting to lay on the guilt trip.
“Family tradition is so important to you that giving me the best opportunity to win the White House is worth disregarding?” I throw his words back at him.
“Let’s not go that far. There have been more presidents who’ve graduated from Yale than Stanford.”
“But Stanford now has the best political science program. To me it’s a no-brainer, Dad. Stanford is the best, and that’s where I’ve been accepted.”
“Your great-grandfather will roll in his grave.” Dad’s slightly caving which gives me hope that he might actually allow me to move. “I don’t like this.” He reclines back in his chair and releases a massive, disappointed sigh. “But if this is what you want...”
“It is,” I say.
“During summer vacation you’re to return and work with me.”
“I’ve already reached out to the California governor, and he’s offered me a job.”
“You have?” Mom asks. Dad’s just as surprised as Mom is.
“I have.”
“It looks like you’ve already made your mind up,” Dad says.
“I’ve also located an apartment near the campus that has two bedrooms.”
“Two bedrooms?” Mom asks.
“For Liam and...” I nearly slip up and say Jen but quickly course correct. “Kathryn and Jen and me. It has two bathrooms so Liam and I can have one, and Jen and Kathryn can have the other. It’s close to our campus, it’s close to Kathryn’s job, and it’s convenient for me to get to the office.”
Dad clicks his tongue to the roof of his mouth as his hard eyes drill into me. I hold my own against him, because I know if he senses any weakness in my reasoning, he won’t let me go. He glances toward Mom, then back to me. “When do you leave?”
A sense of relief floods through my body because I know now everything will work out as it’s supposed to. I’ll be with Kathryn, and our future will be ours to do what we want with. “I’ve put a deposit on the apartment as of July first.”
“Wow, you’re leaving before the fourth?” Mom asks. “But...” Her eyes widen as she blinks at me.
“Jen and I will leave the day after your party.”