Page 48 of Powerless

“In my room.”

Liam appears and clicks his tongue loudly. He walks over and lies on the bed. “I know it sucks hairy donkey’s balls, but we’re doing it for a good reason.”

“Hairy donkey’s balls?” I move to my side and tuck my hands beneath my head. “What a vivid description.”

“Wanna watch a movie?”

“Nah, not really. I want to stay in our room and wallow in self-pity.” I hate feeling so damn powerless.

“Hairy donkey’s balls,” he repeats as he turns to face me. “You know, I’ve never seen Bennett so happy in his entire life. And I’ve known him since we were this big.” He holds his hand out next to the bed, demonstrating they were still toddlers.

“He makes me happy too,” I openly admit.

“You know there’s nothing going on with Jen.”

Now I feel like a shit person. “I do,” I admit. “I just wish it was me, not Jen. I never thought this was going to be as hard as it is.”

“He doesn’t love her.”

“I know.” I look to him and sigh. “A part of me wishes we could fast-forward to when he and I are together, openly, in front of everyone and we don’t have to hide anymore.”

“There’ll come a day when the three of us will be in the White House, and this time of our lives will be pushed aside.”

A massive smile splits my face. “I think he’ll make a great president, and you’ll make a fantastic chief of staff.”

“Damn right I will.”

“Do me a favor though.”

Liam’s brows crinkle. “What is it?”

“If by chance I’m not in the White House with him, for whatever reason, look after him for me.”

“Why wouldn’t you be in the White House with us?”

“Because no one knows what the future holds. But promise me, no matter what happens between Bennett and me, that you’ll always look out for him. Protect him, and don’t let his stubbornness get in the way of anything.”

Liam chuckles and nods. “I promise, I’ll always look out for him. No matter what.”

I exhale a relieved breath and close my eyes. Although I hate that Bennett and Jen are out with his mom, at least I know Liam will always have Bennett’s back.

No matter what.



I feel sick to my stomach. I know it’s not the flight, it’s what I’m returning home to do. It’s been nine months since we’ve been at Stanford, and our fake relationship has now run its course. Neither Jen nor I want to continue with this deception any longer. We made the decision last week to “end it” once and for all.

My heart is hammering inside my chest and my palms are sweating. I close my eyes and take deep breaths as the plane lands.

My parents don’t know I’m on my way back, so this’ll come as a surprise to both of them. I hope they understand. And I hope they don’t demand I marry Jen, because I can’t do it. I have different plans, and they involve my Kathryn.

It feels like time has sped up because before I know it, I’m in the rental and heading down the long driveway at home. Parking, I take a moment to regain my nerves before I make my way up to the front door.

“Okay,” I whisper to myself as I gather my courage to enter.

I open the door to find one of the housekeepers vacuuming the foyer area. He stops and lifts his head to see me walk in. “Bennett, how are you?” Steven asks with a smile. “How’s college?”