Page 41 of Powerless

“It’s a long-distance thing, and we weren’t sure if it would work or not. As it turns out, it’s working and soon you’ll be seeing me more often.”

My heart fills with happiness knowing that Bennett will be moving.

“How soon?” Faith asks.

“New school year.”

“What?” I ask as I sit up in bed. “For real? You’ll be here that soon?”

Bennett nods and smirks. “If I continue getting the grades I’ve been getting, then yep, we’ll be moving here then.”

“Who’s we? Your entire family?” Faith asks.

A sharp pain stabs me in the stomach. Shit. “My best friend and his girlfriend.” What a damn save.

“Wow, an entire tribe is moving.”

“Actually, the next time I come out, I want to look at apartments that we can all share.” Bennett stares at me, waiting for my reply.

“You want to move in with me?” I ask in a small voice.

“A two-bedroom apartment. A room for you and me, and a room for Liam and Jen?” He slowly lifts his shoulders, while a sheepish look passes over him. “What do you think?”

“I think,” I pause as I worry my lip between my teeth. “I think I’d love that.”

Oh my God! Bennett and I are going to move in together, and because it’ll be the four of us, no one is going to know any different. Jen will be free to live her life the way she wants, and Bennett and I can be together out of the watchful eyes of his and Jen’s parents.

I throw my arms around Bennett, so happy that this is all working out.

We only have to hang on for a little while longer and he’ll be free.

What a damned relief.



I pace back and forth in front of Dad’s office, waiting for him to get off the phone.

My stomach is churning and there’s a lump of anxiety sitting at the base of my throat.

“Darling, what’s wrong?” Mom asks when she descends the staircase. “You’ve been pacing outside your father’s office for the last ten minutes. What is it?”

“I need to speak to Dad and you.”

“Is everything okay? Are you and Jen alright?”

“Of course.”

Mom looks around to make sure none of the help are nearby and she whispers, “She’s not pregnant, is she?”

“What? No, of course not.”

Mom releases a relieved breath as she lifts her hand to her chest. “Don’t get me wrong, having a child while you’re both young is a good political move, but not yet. Not until you’re in your final years of college. You’re just too young now.”

I offer Mom nothing more than a tight smile. “Trust me, Jen isn’t pregnant.”

“I’m glad you’re being safe, Bennett.”