The priest says something, and everyone sits.
Eliza peeks at me from under her lashes, and I offer her a wink. She smiles and lowers her chin again. Storm rigidly stands in front of Eliza while he assesses what’s happening.
As the ceremony continues, my only focus is Eliza and how she’s coping with the wedding. I notice that she moves closer to Storm, who glances at her before resuming his protective stance.
By the end of the ceremony, Storm is leaning right up against Eliza and her hand darts down often to pet him. She needs him, and he knows it.
I smirk as I figure out exactly how I can make her agree to stay with me while Dominic and Rose go on their honeymoon. Storm will be her protector.
Rose is so happy, as is Dominic. They’re taking their first dance as husband and wife. Everyone is watching them as they move together to their wedding song. I lower my hand to pet Storm who turns to look at me and gives me a lick on the hand. I giggle and pet him on top of the head. “You’re such a good boy,” I whisper. I look around the room and see Ruben staring at me. I lower my chin, ashamed for disrupting Rose and Dominic’s moment. I sneak a peek toward the rest of the people in case anyone else is watching me; thankfully, no one else is. I’ll apologize to Ruben for being rude and making a scene.
The bridal dance ends, and a few other couples make their way onto the dance floor. Rose and Dominic break apart, and Rose heads over toward me. She plonks down onto the seat next to me and drapes her arm over my shoulders. Storm’s ears prick up and he turns to look at Rose. I reach out to pet him. “Hey, you okay?” Rose asks as she looks to the waiter and juts her chin toward him.
“Yeah, of course. Why?” My heart races as I look out to the full room. Is everyone watching? Only Ruben’s dark eyes are locked on us.
“You appear nervous.”
I turn so no one can see me and whisper, “I was praying that none of his men were here. I’m so grateful they’re not.” My stomach knots with my confession.
“They all left when he did.” The waiter approaches us, and Rose says, “Two French martinis please.”
“Yes, Mrs. Sacco,” he replies.
“Ewww, I’m not used to that.” A shiver tears through Rose.
“Mrs. Sacco?” I ask, slightly amused by her reaction.
“Yeah, it’s weird. I’m married.” She turns to find Dominic and smiles. “God, I love that suit,” she says wistfully before turning to me. “Ruben only has eyes for you.”
I look to Ruben, who’s speaking with Dominic but staring at us. “He’s...” I shake my head.
“Don’t you dare say he’s old enough to be your father.”
That’s not what I was thinking. “But he is. Besides, dangerous men aren’t on my agenda anymore.” I snort and nibble on my lower lip. “Not that they were to start with.” Absentmindedly, I reach for Storm, and he nuzzles into my hand.
“The dog likes you.”
“I think so.”
“Two French martinis,” the waiter says and places one down in front of Rose.
“That one is for Eliza,” Rose instructs him.
The waiter rounds the table to reach me. Storm leaps to his feet and protectively bares his teeth. The waiter steps back, and as he does, he spills the martini on himself. “I’m sorry, ma’am, I’ll have another made immediately.” He glances at Storm, then at me.
“Thank you,” I say and place my hand on Storm’s back. The waiter leaves, and Storm relaxes.
“Wow, that dog is protective.” I catch Ruben scrubbing his hand over his chin as he watches us. He winks at me – he’s done that a few times, and I lower my head to hide the heat rising in my cheeks. “Not all mafia men are like Adrian,” Rose says when she sees Ruben’s wink.
“No, thank you,” I say. “I’m not ready for anything. Not with him still out there, hiding and preparing for Armageddon.”
“Ruben and Dominic won’t let Adrian touch you.” She flicks her eyes toward Storm. “And I think that dog will rip him apart if he comes anywhere near you.”
The waiter returns and gingerly approaches the table. “Ma’am,” he says and looks cautiously toward Storm.
“Thank you.” I reach for the drink, then the waiter hightails it away. I lift the glass and take a sip. “I know you’re worried about me while you go on your honeymoon, but I’ll be okay.”