“Yeah, this is the good shit,” Bruno says as he sweeps his glass off the desk and throws the drink back effortlessly.
“You’d hope so at three thousand a bottle.”
Matthew chokes when he hears the price tag. Bruno squares up, as if he deserves this and much more. He’s a cocky prick, and I don’t like smug assholes working for me. “Can I have another, Don Sacco?” Bruno asks.
Dante clears his throat, and when I look back at him, he smirks and slightly shakes his head. “He’s got balls,” Dante says.
I walk to the liquor cabinet and bring the bottle of scotch over to them. “Would you like another?” I ask Matthew. He’s smart and reads the room and shakes his head while lowering his chin. “Bruno?”
“Fuck yeah.” He holds his glass out for more.
Matthew takes in a small, sharp breath and closes his eyes. “Good, drink up.” I pour a good two fingers into the glass and wait for Bruno to finish. “Has Dante shown you the grounds?”
“I’ve never been here before,” Bruno says.
“No, Don Sacco,” Matthew replies in a tight voice.
“Come, let me show you the grounds.” I walk out of the office with them following, and Dante behind them both. As we pass the dining room, Eliza and Storm are both still there. Storm stands rigidly beside Eliza as he watches us pass by. He growls at the boys, but the moment Eliza murmurs a command to him he relaxes, though he doesn’t stop watching them.
Good boy.
I could have Storm come down to the shed with us, and tear them apart, but I don’t think my girl would forgive me if I did that to her dog. As entertaining as it would be for me, I wouldn’t do that to Eliza, or Storm.
“I built this house from the ground up,” I say as we leave the house and head toward the shed.
“It’s a nice place, I want something like this when I get higher up in the ranks,” Bruno says.
I hear Dante snicker. “And what about you, Matthew? Do you want something like this?”
Matthew turns to look at Bruno, then looks forward to me. He rubs at his chin while keeping an eye on his surroundings. “I’m happy where I am.”
Three of my guards are outside the guardhouse, smoking and talking. “This is the guardhouse,” I say pointing to where the boys are standing. They see me and all give me a curt nod.
“Have we been summoned so you can offer us a more important job?” Bruno asks.
“It’s definitely an interview,” I reply.
“Shit,” Matthew murmurs.
“Did you say something?” I turn to face Matthew. He shakes his head. Bruno is so arrogant he’s oblivious to what’s about to happen. “And this is my new office.” I open the door to the shed and step aside. Bruno walks in first and looks around. It takes a few seconds for the fear to wash over him. Matthew is smarter, and he already knows what’s about to happen.
Dante is the last to enter and he closes the door, standing in front of it protectively, pulling his shoulders back. “What’s going on?” Bruno asks.
“You.” I walk toward him and smash my fist into his jaw. He stumbles back, but squares up to me.
He reaches for his gun, but at a whistle from behind me, he sees Dante pointing his back at him. “Throw it over.” Dante gestures toward himself. Bruno tosses his gun over at Dante; then I look to Matthew who does the same.
“Easy way, or hard way?” I ask.
“I haven’t fucking done nothin’,” Bruno spits.
“On your fucking knees,” I say in a voice barely above a whisper. They both sink to their knees in front of me. “What have you heard about Adrian?”
Matthew’s forehead crinkles and he drags his brows in together. “All I heard was he went AWOL and he’s in hiding.”
I look to Bruno who turns his head and lifts his shoulders. “Nothin’. I haven’t heard nothin’.” Bruno is lying, Matthew on the other hand, I’m not entirely sure about.
I shrug out of my jacket and place it on the utility tray. I pick up a pair of knuckle-dusters and slide them over my fingers. I advance toward the kneeling boys and stand in front of Matthew. “You’ve heard he’s gone AWOL?”