Page 80 of The Don

“When?” I ask her handler.


I pull the phone away from my ear to see the time is eleven. “Where?”

“She’ll be in touch,” he says and ends the call.

I hand Dante the phone and look to Dominic. “15,” I say and head back toward the car.

“She’s found him,” Dante says.

“Good,” Dominic replies and releases a sigh. “We have to end him.”

“What time is the meeting?” Dante asks.

I smile and shake my head. “She’ll be in touch.”

“When?” Dominic asks.


“What?” Dominic lifts his hands in question.

I must admit, I like her style. “She’ll be in touch,” I repeat. Dante opens the door, and Dominic and I slide into the back of the car. But for now, I need to unwind before I have my meeting with 15. “Heaven,” I instruct Dante and my driver.

Dominic has been on edge since we left the field. He’s now pacing back and forth while stopping to look over the dance floor. He lifts his tumbler and takes a drink of his scotch. “What the fuck is Adrian doing?” Dominic grumbles and shakes his head. “All I can think about is all the trouble he’s causing.”

“We’ll get to him once 15 reaches out.”

He turns and lifts a brow. “I’m surprised she agreed to find him and not kill him.”

“I had to pay her extra for it remember?”

Easiness washes over Dominic. “I bet that hurt,” he says and adds a chuckle.

“It did, but it’ll be worth it when he’s in my shed.”

Dominic throws the rest of his drink down and turns back to face the dance floor. “Well, while we wait, I may as well get some work done.” He walks over to the office door and opens it.

I can hear him typing away on the computer, so I pull my phone out to send Eliza a message but see she’s already sent me one. I’m grateful she now has a way of communication, considering Adrian had her isolated. I don’t ever want her to feel like that again. I know you’re busy, but I hope you’re safe.

I look at the time stamp and she sent it to me only half an hour ago. You should be in bed.

Can’t sleep.

I have a solution for that.

Do you?

It involves you spread out on the bed and me fucking you with my tongue. I wait for her reply, and when I see the bubbles indicating she’s typing disappear, I’m left thinking that perhaps she’s not ready for my honesty via text yet.

I think I’ll wait up then.

Cheeky girl. Walk into my closet.


Get your sweet ass up, and walk into my closet.