Eliza has no idea I’m even here. She’s absolutely engrossed by whatever she’s reading. “Oh,” she murmurs as she turns the page. Her eyes dart back and forth as she drinks the words. “No.”
“Yes,” I say.
Eliza startles as her eyes instantly find mine. “You scared me.” She rakes her gaze over my body and tilts her head to the side as a slow smile graces her beautiful face. “Damn.”
“The way you’re leaning against the door.” Eliza makes a circular movement encompassing me. “Damn.”
I straighten and adjust my tie. “I thought you may have been asleep, but I’ve found you reading.”
“It’s a good book.” She scans me again and her shoulders sink. “Are you going somewhere?”
I slowly nod. “I am.”
She looks out the window, then back to me. “Oh,” she murmurs. “I see.” Eliza’s features soften as she lowers her chin. “Okay.”
Storm jumps off the sofa and stretches. I stroll over to Eliza and sit beside her. I place my finger under her chin and lift it so she’s looking at me. “What is it?”
Eliza worries her lip between her teeth as her eyes turn glassy and fill with tears. “I’m sorry I’m not enough for you.”
“What?” I ask, perplexed. “What are you talking about?”
“You’re going out to another woman, right?” She shakes her head and waves her hand between us. “You don’t owe me an explanation. I’m sorry I asked.”
“You’re right, I don’t owe you an explanation.” Her posture softens as she nods. “But I have a meeting, and not with another woman.”
Instantly, Eliza perks up and smiles. “You’re not seeing another woman?”
“No, I’m not. I have no interest in anyone else.”
Her smile grows and her eyes clear from the tears welling. She throws her arms around me. “Thank you for telling me.”
The smallest of things bring her so much pleasure. “I don’t know when I’ll be returning though.”
Eliza pulls back and looks for Storm. Her brows are furrowed, and her jaw is tight. “This meeting...” She gulps as she stares at me. “Will you be safe?”
“As safe as I can be,” I reply honestly.
Eliza intakes several deep breaths but she finally concedes with a nod. “Come back to me, Ruben.”
I cup her cheek and Eliza closes her eyes and leans into my touch. I place a chaste kiss to her lips. “I will.” I pull away from her before I’m tempted to cancel the meeting and bury myself deep inside my woman. But I’m doing this for her. So I can find my nephew and end his life in order for my Eliza to live hers unafraid. “Look after her,” I say to Storm and pet him once before turning to leave. As I walk out the door, I swear I hear Eliza whisper that she loves me. It’s not the first time and I hope it won’t be the last. I shake my head and walk downstairs.
I’m not a man she should love, but I still can’t help but smile.
My crew’s cars are already waiting when we approach the open field. “I don’t like this,” Dominic says as we arrive at the meeting point. I changed my mind about Dominic accompanying me. He needs to know what his brother’s been doing.
“It’s the only way forward.”
“I know, but these fuckers are like poison.” He jerks his chin toward the Fallen, who are already congregated here. Their bikes are all lined up, and there has to be close to a hundred of the dirty fuckers all clumped together. “Nothing a good assault rifle wouldn’t take care of.”
“I can organize that,” Dante offers from the front seat.
My driver stops a good fifty yards from where they are. “Let’s get this over with.” Dante huffs and shakes his head but exits the car and walks around to open the door for Dominic and me. Once we’re out, Dominic and I begin to walk toward the Fallen crew.
“Stop,” one of them instructs when we’re halfway to them.
Dominic continues, but I lay my hand on his shoulder. “Seriously, we’re going to let these fuckers tell us what to do?”